Monday, September 30, 2019

How can we overcome the limitations of financial statements?

Financial statements are an important source of information to multiple groups of people. These people may belong within the organization or they may be outsiders. The internal users of financial statement include managers, financial analysts, CFOs and accountants. Whereas external users may include government agencies, such as tax agencies and the securities and exchange commission, financial consultants, investors, creditors, etc. Now there are certain limitations that financial statements have, and this may cause problems in making intra and inter-company comparisons. In order to minimize or overcome the short-comings of financial statements investors, accountants, CFOs have all developed different analytical tools and techniques. For internal users, especially managers, performance measures have played a significant role in minimizing the effects of these limitations. Analysts now use tools that aid in valuing company’s performance beyond financial results, bringing factors like leadership, patents, specialized workforce, brands and human resources into the picture. Technology has removed a lot of barriers, especially with respect to finance, as companies today are also implementing financial data warehouses the use of which makes it a lot easier for organizations and individuals to make decisions that are logical and in most cases correct. Moreover, some companies are also voluntarily disclosing information about their strategy, key success factors and their management objectives in supplements to their financial statements. This gives the investors, creditors, and other external users of financial statements more of an idea of what the firm is about and where it may be standing in a couple of years from now. REFERENCE Helfert, Erich A. (2001). Financial Analysis Tools and Techniques: A Guide For Managers. McGraw-Hill. Â  

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Manila Motor Company Essay

In May 1954, Manila Motor Company filed in the Municipal Court of Manila a complaint to recover from Manuel T. Flores the amount of P1,047.98 as chattel mortgage installments which fell due in September 1941. Defendant pleaded prescription:chanroblesvirtuallawlibrary 1941 to 1954. The complaint was dismissed. On appeal, the Court of First Instance saw differently, sustaining Plaintiff’s contention that the moratorium laws had interrupted the running of the prescriptive period, and that deducting the time during which said laws were in operation — three years and eight months 1 — the ten-year term had not yet elapsed when complainant sued for collection in May 1954. Wherefore said court ordered the return of the case to the municipal judge for trial on the merits. Defendant appealed. Issue: Whether or not the moratorium laws did not have the effect of suspending the period of limitations, because they were unconstitutional, as declared by this court in Rutter vs. Esteban, 49 Off. Held: In Montilla vs. Pacific Commercial SC held that the moratorium laws suspended the period of prescription. That was rendered after the Rutter-Esteban decision. It should be stated however, in fairness to Appellant, that the Montilla decision came down after he had submitted his brief. And in answer to his main contention, the following portion is quoted from a resolution of this Court. Rutter vs. Esteban (93 Phil., 68) may be construed to mean that at the time of the decision the Moratorium law could no longer be validly applied because of the prevailing circumstances. At any rate, although the general rule is that an unconstitutional statute  Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬Ëœconfers no right, creates no office, affords no protection and justifies no acts performed under it.’ (11 Am. Jur., pp. 828, 829.) There are several instances wherein courts, out of equity, have relaxed its operation (cf. notes in Cooley’s Constitutional Limitations 8th ed., p. 383 and Notes 53 A. L. R., 273) or qu alified its effects ‘since the actual existence of a statute prior to such declaration is an operative fact, and may have consequences which cannot justly be ignored’ (Chicot County vs. Baster, 308 U. S., 371) and a realistic approach is eroding the general doctrine (Warring vs. Colpoys, 136 Am. Law Rep., 1025, 1030).† Judgment affirmed, without costs.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Environmental changes Essay

Organizations adapt to environmental changes such as the adoption of a new technology, a change in market dynamic or new regulatory policies and as such the Affordable Care Act was put into place (Frates, 2014). The Affordable Care Act puts consumers back in charge of their health care. Under the law, a new â€Å"Patient’s Bill of Rights† gives the American people the stability and flexibility they need to make informed choices about their health (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2014). This has made leaders feel as if the government is making all the health decisions about a patient instead of allowing the physicians to do so. With that said, leaders must apply strategic management into their organizations by creating short term strategic planning which allows the office to meet incremental milestones on the path to an ultimate goal creates an opportunity to highlight achievements, identify and resolve setbacks, and encourage forward motion (Burger & Giger, 2014). Contingency Theory and Resource Dependence Theory are applicable to health care organizations due to the environmental dependency. With health care as unpredictable as it is having both theories used allows the facilities to be prepared for multiple different outcomes. Frates, J. (2014). Health care management: Theory in action. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Burger, J., & Giger, A. (2014, February 13). How Healthcare Organizations Can Improve This Year. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2014, October 2). About the Law | Retrieved from Markets have been increasingly complex, turbulent, and interrelated. Actual and potential opportunities and threats to an organization’s existing market(s) must be identified and evaluated (Hitt, Ireland, & Hoskisson, 2013). Today’s business environment requires the decision makers to shape the organization as a dynamic organization that can rapidly initiate and implement strategic processes and respond quickly to strategic changes in the industry or to strategic processes of competitors in as short a period of time as possible. This Discussion also asks: How can healthcare leaders apply strategic management to their organizations? Healthcare leaders can apply strategic management to their organizations by ensuring all the task and activities include it in small bits and pieces of the change. Once that change is completed with no problems a new task can be added to the list. Sometimes smaller changes go unnoticed and are quicker to be accepted than a larger change that employees feel are pushed onto them.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Inland Barge Operation In Europe and China Research Paper

Inland Barge Operation In Europe and China - Research Paper Example In Europe and China, there have been significant advancements in the three forms of transportation. Rail transport has evolved over time and technological advancements have made the system more efficient and economical (Rodrigue, 2010). Most countries in these regions have developed an extensive railway network that traverses the area. Thus, rail transport is widely used for passenger and cargo transportation throughout the two regions as well us to regions. On the other hand, road transport is also widely used in the European and Chinese regions. The road network in Europe is extensive and covers virtually all the corners of the region. According to (Vrenken et al, 2005), the road network in Europe has the best roads globally with tarmacked roads covering over seventy percent of the region. Suffice to say, there are numerous road transport companies that own trucks used for delivery of cargo. The road transport system has been widely adopted in China due to its affordability and eff iciency. Long haul trucks are used to deliver cargo from all the areas in China. The truck transport system is efficiently due to precise coordination between the track companies and the warehouses where the cargo is taken from or delivered to. However, the road and rail cargo transportation systems have various weaknesses. ... Also, the two modes of transport are costly due to the high cost of fuel. Inland barge transportation is a viable alternative for the transportation of cargo. The use of boats and other water transport vessels for the transportation of cargo within the region can help to sustain the development in these regions and add other benefits. This paper argues that inland barge transportation is a more efficient mode of cargo transportation compared to road and rail transportation. This research therefore seeks to determine the use of inland barges in transportation in the two regions and the level of contribution of this type of transportation in each of the regions. In doing this, the research examines the advantages and the disadvantages of the transport systems and the extent to which it has contributed to the attainment of the modern state of the economy in the regions. The inland barge transport system will be evaluated in both regions and the contribution that it has made to the devel opment of the regions. The potential benefits of the inland barge transportation system will be analyzed. Furthermore, the discourse compares the transport mechanism in the two regions and further compares the level of development and the growth rate of the regions. In doing this, the research establishes the contribution of transportation to the process of development and determines the most cost effective means of transportation for the two regions and the whole world by extrapolation. Cargo transportation The transport sector forms a critical component of any region. In fact, an efficient transport network is often a pointer towards the level of development that is possible in a region. Industrial advancements require

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Role of NGO in Defining Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5250 words

The Role of NGO in Defining Human Rights - Essay Example Since they have come from other nations, they might be naive to the language, rules, and observances, and less capable to claim their civil liberties. This causes them to face prejudice and makes them vulnerable to uneven treatment and uneven prospects at employment and also in their day to day affairs.   The Amnesty International has made efforts to promote and safeguard the liberties of those segments of the society including the immigrants and refugee workers. Amnesty international held that because of the nature of humanity immigrants are at liberty to be safeguarded of their civil liberties. This right comprises of the securing and safeguarding of their liberties during the whole period of migration in nations of origin, travel, and destination.   After the cold war, the NGO segment related to the migrant security has developed to a very large extent. The people have become more conscious and anxious with respect to the cruel laws, regulations, and procedures which affect the migrants. In the present day, there are hardly a few nations in the world that haven’t been concerned by the migrants’ problem and therefore the NGO’S are engaged with the refugee protection rights.† A migrant's human rights are largely defined by the migration "category" to which he or she belongs, and by the reasons underlying that migration. At one end of the human rights/migration spectrum are voluntary migrants, including migrant workers and other economic migrants. At the other end, more than 10 million refugees are forced to leave their countries to escape persecution.† (Grant 2005).   Immigrants activists argue that inequity, poverty, armed clashes, racial discrimination, fanaticism etc in the home country are the core reasons for immigration along with other exterior reasons like globalization.

Relationship Marketing in Top UK Airlines Essay

Relationship Marketing in Top UK Airlines - Essay Example All three have a website on the Internet and accept booking online. EasyJet and Ryanair have put low prices over customer convenience, while British Airways continues to put service above price. In 2001, the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon reverberated throughout the world, especially with airlines because commercial aircraft were used in the attack. British Airways and other major airlines announced massive job cuts while the low-cost airlines surprisingly reported increased profits. Why would a company like easyJet outperform the giant British Airways Two possible reasons were development of deregulation and an open skies policy put into place which allowed low-cost airlines the freedom to compete with low 'no frills' prices (Discount airlines 2006). The idea was to eliminate unnecessary costs with customers paying much lower prices for tickets while giving up certain creature comforts (Welcome to Companion Website, 2001). The major reason for the success of low-cost airlines, however, was instituting marketing through the Internet, offering online booking for the first time. By 2002 Ryanair and easyJet had operating margins far above traditional airlines, including 45% more than British Airways. In the United States 270m people were utilizing 1000 low-fare jets with another couple of hundred on order. In Europe 410m shared 400 low-fare jets (Binggeli & Pompeo). While other low-fare airlines came and went, Ryanair and easyJet continued their popularity. By 2004, however, traditional carriers such as BA began to catch up to budget airlines. Intense competition and rising fuel prices caused plummeting share price at easyJet in May, and in an online analysis of the airline industry, it was found there was an increase in visitors to online sites for budget airlines, but traditional airlines showed a higher visitor rate (Cahill 2004), perhaps an indication of the growing connection between customers and business. In 2006, BA not only continues to be the leading international airline in the traditional market, it is surpassing the no-frills market with discoun ted prices and special deals through its web site. Customer satisfaction is a factor that leads to success in the current marketplace, and the airline that understands this will grow in popularity. Pros and Cons of Budget Airlines In the low-cost budget airline business, easyJet and Ryanair continue to be the largest companies in the European low-cost market. These pioneers were the first to utilise the Internet for online booking. They maximized assets by decreasing turn-around time at airports and ending free on-board catering. Ticketless travel and intensive use of information technology (IT) increased visibility (easyJet Case Study 2006). However, the major hubs that serve these airlines are Stanstet, Luton and Gatwick, not the most convenient airports. Wizzair and SkyEurope are new airlines in Central Europe flying into these hubs and are in competition with the low-cost British airlines. One

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International politics and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International politics and Law - Essay Example 47 states are currently the members of UNHRC of which African and Asian contribution is 13 states each, 12 states are from Europe, 8 from Latin America and Caribbean and United States of America is the only member from North America. The UNHRC was established in March 2006. The council adopted its Institution Building Package in its first meeting in June 2007 and the elements of the institution package were formulated to serve as guideline for future developments. The most important element is the Universal Periodic Review which is formulated for the assessment of the human rights situation in all the member states of the United Nations. An advisory committee looks after the human rights situation in the different regions of the world and gives recommendations to device strategies and plans of action for ensuring the delivery of human rights to each and every human in this world. The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by the General Assembly resolution 34/180 of 18 December 1979 and was entered into force on 3rd September 1981. It is one of the nine major treaties of United Nations on Human Rights. All the state party to this human rights treaty are bound to observe the clauses of the treaty and the UN Human Rights Council gives recommendations to the governments for observing the human rights restrictions as mentioned in this convention. The convention is based on the UN Charter of fundamental human rights which states the dignity and worth of the human person and equal rights for men and women. The convention states that discrimination against any person based on race, creed, nationality or sex is unacceptable because all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and each and every individual in this world is free to practice his beliefs and ideology and lead a life according to the way he deems suitable for himself. The con vention lays stress on the rights of women in the states party to the convention and states that equal economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights of men and women should be ensured. The convention establishes concerns over the women rights violation in the world and emphasizes the eradication of racism, aggression, deprivation of basic rights of food, clothes and shelter to women. Over the years the convention has been signed and ratified by almost all the countries of the world and has proven to be very effective in ensuring the provision of women rights in various regions of the world. The condition of women is very deplorable in various regions of the world which include South Asia, Africa, Middle East and Northern Africa. Certain inhumane traditions are still practiced in various countries of these regions and women are targeted in these traditions. The women in these regions are still not treated on equal basis in these regions of the world. The governments of these regions have established rules and guidelines and have passed constitutional laws and amendments for protecting the rights of the women but the situation in some of the regions is still very alarming. The United Nations Human Rights Council is working very effectively in reporting such incidents to the respective governments and United Nations bodies and taskforces. UNHRC also gives its recommendations to the governments and the United Nations bodies to enforce the human rights conventions in these areas. These efforts have been proved very

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Alex Prager Art Works Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alex Prager Art Works - Essay Example Flavien Demarigny, a resident of Los Angele commonly known by the natives as Mambo is an artist who rose to fame through self-determination and commitment. In his work as an artist, before becoming to the limelight. The Australian brand has hit 30th birthday and is one of the most famous brands in the nation and abroad. Its originality places it at a better position to recognition as a distinct brand. The banded t-shirts also contributed immensely to its preference. Through various art works, Mambo succeeded in dealing with racial preference as well as commercialism. This he achieved by incorporating fun facts into the various works. In the latest work, dubbed 30 years off the shelf- indulgence, ideologies that make the brand stand out are well incorporated. Mambo, as a brand encompasses various sectors including fashion, general art, and design. Mambo combines the use of music and humor to make it the preferred brand in Australian artistry. The target audience by the artist is the a verage Australian and other citizens outside the Australian borders. Politically, Mambo helped to reduce the oppression in the 1980s in Australia through use comments done by its artists. Invitation by New South Wales Art Gallery was a boost to the label in the political arena. The Gallery exposed Mambo internationally enabling the label recognition by the state. Consequently, the state gave Mambo the mandate to design uniforms for its athletes. In Australia today, Mambo is a recognized brand that stands out from other designer brands.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The impact of the current economy on educational funding Research Paper

The impact of the current economy on educational funding - Research Paper Example , if such problems are not addressed as soon as possible, the labor force of the country would be affected as well, which simply contributes towards poor economic growth for the country once more (Hanushek & Kimko, 2000). According to Murnane et al. (2000), what is also disturbing is that there is a trend of poor performance levels churned out by students who are African-American or of Latino descent- both of whom make up a relatively large portion of the population in the United States. Smollin (2010) reveals that across the United States, several school districts are already preparing themselves for the drastic budget cuts implemented by the government. Recent periods have shown that the budget cuts have increased drastically, mimicking the case 50 years ago. The recession has indeed had direct effects on the local property taxes, as well as the levels of state funds. This has lead several school districts to resort to desperate means to save money. Examples include reducing programs that are garnered towards enriching the students’ extracurricular affairs as well as any other programs that cultivate their skills and knowledge outside the realm of the academy. Other measures include reducing class hours and also reducing the academic year. There are also some schools that have decided to close down. For several faculty members, eliminating certain school programs and even closing down schools have proved to be a difficult decision, but the most difficult de cision being brought about by insufficient funding would be the option of schools to lay off teachers. In an article released by the New York Times, Lewin & Dillon (2010) have written that school districts that resort to such a measure are those that have no choice. Most schools receive their source of income via local property taxes and the money from the state, both of which have been severely affected by the global recession. In California alone, school districts have actually issued pink slips to at

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Peaceful and Happy Personality, Positive Lifestyle Essay Example for Free

Peaceful and Happy Personality, Positive Lifestyle Essay They promote the utmost understanding of the present rather than dealing with the past. Since they give importance to the dealings of their spontaneous actions, they let go of their subconscious dealing with the environment. In having this kind of belief, Zen Buddhists kind of meditation promotes focusing on the inner strength of the present to give them a more valuable interpretation of their own experiences. It emphasizes dharma practices for them to awaken their spiritual factor thriving in them. To attain further discovery of their self, they must submit themselves in the understanding of their present state of being. Zen Buddhism discourages the strong association of their life to written texts and oral tradition of answering metaphysical matter. They promote this kind of belief for them to be able to address the limitations of their actions and for them to attest their discipline and hold to their own teachings. Many had been practicing this kind of religion because of its simplicity but complex understanding of the complex flow of their life. Since they do not hold many teachings on the philosophical written documents, many said that this kind of practice is against the law of words and against the theoretical framework of many religions existing today. This kind of belief of Zen Buddhism lead to their diverse understanding of their situation thus giving them a perspective of life and its attached meaning to their personal events and perspective to the kind of perception that they have. Taking the beliefs of Zen Buddhism, it is important to see it as an â€Å"influence† to the environment, positively or negatively, in which a person belongs. Therefore, through the collective efforts of the Buddhists, as they have made an impression to the people, they have gained this special discipline that allows them to live in a simple way without to many needs and frustrations in life. It advocates the pursuit a non-greed life in human pursuits in a non-violent way. (De Silva, 1992) They like being quiet and avoid noises for it distracts the meditation of the soul. So, this values practice helps them to reach their goal of a peaceful and a suffering-less life. Since they give importance to their peaceful way of life, they believed that through this, they can have a good personality especially in interacting with other members of the society. Although some of them chose to stay far away from people to avoid distractions, many of them still wants to influence other people by showing them how to be a real Zen Buddhist. And because of this, they become happier in dealing with their everyday experience. By looking at them in the society, they tend to have more stable emotional attachments because of the training that they have in their religion. If we will merge the idea of Zen Buddhism and their teachings, we can notice their emotion in their dealings with everyday’s scenario. Since they have the meditation and focus on the present situation of their life, in effect, they developed system of interaction that promotes same way of living with the teachings of their religion. In this way, Zen Buddhist keeps their focus on conscious thinking with regards to their experiences. In addition to that, Zen Buddhists have different meanings on their personal choices and perception to any problem that they may encounter. At this point, Zen Buddhists attained a certain level of acceptance and happiness to deal with their life and to give positive meanings to their endeavors and suffering. This attitude in life constitutes not only our perception but also our actions in dealing with other people and into different situation. Through their teaching of not only what is good and bad but on how to live your life to be able to be good, we can see the varying result. Buddhists are calmer and quieter in dealing even with the most pressure driven situation in life. They do not resort to any kind of violence in solving conflicts that arisen, but rather chose to a peaceful negotiation and trust to the capabilities of a human soul. This is one of their practices in relation to karma, or the fruit of their actions. Believing that if they do good, something good will happen to them.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Nursing Essays Knowledge and Skills for Nursing

Nursing Essays Knowledge and Skills for Nursing Knowledge and Skills for Nursing The Setting The setting is a medical ward; patient was admitted due to diarrhoea and vomiting as a result of alcoholism and malnutrition. Hospital medical ward consists of patient that needs proper approach and nursing care to shorten their stay in the hospital. The patient will be treated not only physically and physiologically but also mentally since the patient was having such difficulties because of depression. The patient started to become depressed when her husband dies. She became an alcohol dependent and her health started to deteriorate due to malnutrition. The Approach The patient was brought to the hospital with diarrhoea and vomiting. The patient is physically not well, pale and has a poor hygiene. Based on the background check patient had suffered severe depression because her husband died and live alone. The patient became alcoholic and her health deteriorated because of malnutrition. The patient looks underweight but can survive by giving proper medication and patient care. The nursing process can best be described as a framework for planning individualized care for patient with intellectual disabilities. Since the care for patient is a process it does not conclude into anything but rather it changes constantly and it is the nurses’ responsibility to respond to these changing needs whenever necessary. The nursing process usually comprises four or five stages depending on the resources available and work setting, and includes: diagnosis, assessment, planning, implementing and evaluation. The nursing process should be undertaken using a collaborative and participative approach with other professionals, gathering and implementing resources, in order to improve the care process (Department of Health 2000b; Department of Health 2001). The focus of this study will be on the design care plan for our patient on study. Assessment Assessment is the most important part of care planning and delivery. It includes areas such as health and health needs, daily living skills, activity programmes, mobility, mental health, risks to the client, finance, respite, social events/outings, support requirements, spiritual needs and, possibly, accommodation issues (Department of Health, 2000b;Sox, 2004a). As a start, a background check is needed to be able to assess the situation of the patient. Our patient is conscious but was not able to respond properly because of her condition. So we need someone close to the patient or a relative to answer questions needed for the care plan. Data such as previous hospitalization, medication taken and others related to the patient condition is important. Diagnosis The patient was brought in the hospital because of diarrhoea and vomiting. The initial diagnosis is that the patient is dehydrated base on the physical appearance of the patient. Diarrhoea usually gets better on their own, often without treatment. If the diarrhoea continue within several days it is best to check patient’s medical history and physical exam. Planning In planning, the nurse plays an important role in the recovery and stay of the patient in the hospital. The patient upon admission was given attention on the main complain which is diarrhoea and vomiting. However further diagnosis and assessment of the medical team discovered that the patient is suffering from malnutrition. Our plan focuses on malnutrition; the reasons why the patient is having this kind of condition, and the treatment and the protocol that the nurses should follow for the welfare of the patient. Implementation Implementation of a care plan is the most challenging part of the nursing process. The patient is pale and has lost a lot of weight. The patient also lacks proper hygiene as a result of her appearance upon admission. The implementation of the care plan will begin upon admission. The patient will be forwarded and referred to the nursing staff on duty in the medical ward and will be given the care plan as agreed upon by the medical team and the patients relative. Malnutrition Evaluation will assess the effectiveness of the care plan and the implementation of the care. It is important to evaluate the point for care to be able to reach its desirable care plan. An updated review should be done to correct and improved the plan. The Model In simple language, a model is described by  Pearson and Vaughan (1993) as a descriptive picture of practice which adequately represents the real thing. Riehl and Roy (1980:11) cited in Roper et al (1990) provide   a more elaborate definition of a model as a systematically constructed, scientifically based and logically related set of concepts which identify the essential components of nursing practice, together with the theoretical bases of these concepts and the values required for their use by the practitioner. Choosing an appropriate model is important to help the care planning effective. In UK, the model of nursing used most predominantly is that of Roper et al, 1980 that bases its principals on a model for living. It provides a holistic care approach and involving the important component of the daily activities of a person. The model is made up of five components: Activities of daily living (ADLs), Lifespan, Dependence/Independence continuum, Factors influencing ADLs, and Individuality in living. (Roper, Logan, Tierney, 2002). The case of our patient needs to be assessed physically, physiologically but also mentally. The effect of losing a husband has led our patient to become ill. The Roper, Logan and Tierney are believed to be a useful approach in dealing with our patient since it involves a holistic approach. The model was named after the author of the model, Nancy Roper, Logan and Tierney. It was first developed in 1980 based upon the work by Nancy Roper in 1976. The model is based on the 12 activities of living in order to live. The model has been revised several times 1985, 1990 and the latest version 1998. The 12 activities involve the following: maintaining a safe environment, communication, breathing, eating and drinking, elimination, washing and dressing, thermoregulation, mobilisation, working and playing, expressing sexuality, sleeping, and death and dying. Each of the activities might be seen to be conceptualised as lying on a continuum from dependence to independence. There are times in our life that we may be more dependent on others to meet our needs. The role of the nurse is to help people move towards independence in all activities of daily living. Biological, physiological, socio-cultural, environmental and politico-economic variables are factors that impact on the individ ual and affect their levels of dependence /independence. Advantages and Disadvantages of Roper, Logan and Tierney Based on the study done by Pearson and Vaughan (1993) model of nursing is important in hospital ward or department. One of the advantages of the Roper, Logan and Tierney model is that it leads to consistency in the style of care received by patients and thus to a continuity of care patterns and treatments. The Roper, Model will give rise to less conflict within the team of nurses as a whole. Because of the rationale and definition behind the model other healthcare involved will understand better the logic of care. Roper, et. al model is said to be self explanatory or not too complicated as compared to others. It is said to be done this way in order to assist learners to develop a way of thinking about nursing in general terms. It is mentioned above that main concept of the Roper, Logan and Tierney model is based mainly on twelve activities of living which is the main elements of nursing and is referred to as â€Å"basic human needs†. According to Roper, Logan and Tierne y the activities of living have an advantage for nursing model since they are observable, describable, and in some instances, objectively measured. The model is mainly focused on the twelve activities while the theory is built on living and addresses the nursing activities as a deliberative approach to meet the twelve components of nursing care. It conceptualises the Person as a biological being with inseparable mind and body and Health as the ability to function independently in relation to the twelve components (Fitzpatrick and Whall 1989). The Care Plan The initial diagnosis on the patient under study is diarrhoea, alcoholism and malnutrition. However as the process of identifying the cause of the patient’s condition, nurse attending to her needs found out about the death of her husband. After background check they have found out that the patients’ husband died and became depressed because of the situation. During assessment on the patient’s health it has been noticed that the patient has mental health problem. The health needs of a patient is also important and the nurse involve should be aware of these needs. To help the patient, nursing process and nursing model should be working hand in hand to help the patient survive. Assessing the need of the patient is important. The Roper, Logan and Tierney model will ensure that the patient should be able to have a safe environment, should be communicating with her nurse attending to her, breathing, eating and drinking, working. Because of its holistic approached, Rogan. Logan and Tierney model is widely used. To evaluate the situation of our patient, the alcoholism of our patient might lead to liver disease and will be affecting the daily activities of life. The patient should trust her nurse and they should have a good relationship to have an effective care plan. The chosen model Roper et al have described the course of life as someth ing that starts at conception and lasts until death. The model involves maintaining a safe environment; our patient should be living in an environment that she will be comfortable and clean. The patient upon admission has seen to have poor hygiene. In identifying the activities of living the individual should be engage in personal cleansing and dressing. As described in the admission of the patient, the patient has poor hygiene. The patient may have pressure sore due to her stay in the hospital. This should be treated and approached very well by the nurse handling her. Pressure sore is the result of being immobile of the patient. The length of stay of the patient in the hospital should be shortening to avoid such condition. The nurse must assess how to help the patient to cooperate on the agreed care plan. Implementing the care plan will need the cooperation of the patient. It is important to help the patient to overcome the depression that she is experiencing. In this case the patient may not cooperate at the start of the plan but will be eventually cooperate as the process continues. The success of the plan depends on the cooperation of the patient and the nurses. Throughout life, our ability to perform ADLs will move from one extreme and possibly back again. This aspect of the model of living, therefore, interlinks with the model of nursing with effectively, each reliant on the other. The patient will have a chance in recovering from the health problem that she is encountering. The Roper, Logan and Tierney model is appropriate to approach the case of the patient in a holistic way. Conclusion The nursing process includes stages that should be completed to help the patient overcome the disease she is in. By means of this we will be able to identify which factors should be given enough attention to prevent the occurrence of such disease. The study includes the nature of care planning, person centred are planning, care management, health action planning and the care program approach. This study also introduced some relevant actions that need to be taken. The use of the Roper, Logan and Tierney model are described to help the nursing process to become successful and effective. The Roper Logan and Tierney is a holistic approach and are important to work with the nursing process. This study has also advocated the need for robust, professionally prepared care plans based on a systematic nursing assessment. Proper planning is important in dealing with the patient especially on those that are in admitted in the hospital because of different illnesses which can be cured and overcome if proper nursing process and model will be used. A nursing process is important to evaluate, assess, cure and eliminated illnesses of person. Our patient became sick because of depression and problem, which needs to have a proper attention on different aspect. She must be treated physiologically, physically and psychologically. Nursing model should be holistic if this is the case. The patient’s daily living activity is affected and she needs to understand why such activity such is done for her wellness. Patient should be very well educated or informed on the benefits that she will be having if she will cooperate on the agreed care plan. Reference Roper, N; Logan, W; Tierney, A; 2002 The Elements of Nursing 4th edition. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh Department of Health (2000a), Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors (training) Amendment, London Department of Health. Department of Health (2000b) The NHS Plan. Goddard M, McDonagh MS Smith DH (2000) Measuring appropriate use of acute beds: a systematic review of methods and results. Health Policy 53 157-84. Coast J, Inglis A Frankel S (1996) Alternatives to hospital care: what are they and who should decide? British Medical Journal 312 162-6. Pearson A. and Vaughan B.(1993) Nursing Models for Practice. Oxford. Butterworth Heinemann. Riehl J. and Roy C.(1980) Conceptual Models for Nursing Practice (2nd. Ed.) New York. Appleton Century Crofts. In Roper N., Logan W., and Tierney A.(1990) The Elements of Nursing (3rd. Ed.) London. Churchill Livingstone. Fitzpatrick J. and Whall A.(1989) Conceptual Models of Nursing: Analysis and Application (2nd.Ed.) London. Prentice Hall Int.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Network Infrastructure For E Commerce Information Technology Essay

Network Infrastructure For E Commerce Information Technology Essay   E-commerce or eCommerce is basically Electronic commerce that deals with buying and selling of services and products over electronic systems such as Internet and other Computer networks. E-commerce is commonly known as electronic marketing. With the extensive use of Internet, the amount of trade carried out electronically has developed tremendously. E-commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet, especially the World Wide Web. In practice, this term and a newer term,  e-business, are often used interchangeably. For online retail selling, the term  e-tailing  is sometimes used. Electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e-business. It also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate the financing and payment aspects of the business transactions. REQUIREMENTS FOR E-COMMERCE: Authentication PrivacyMessage Integrity Non-repudiation NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE FOR E-COMMERCE: Global information distribution networks are the infrastructure that are connecting countries and continents. Extranets, Intranets and the Internet, the above parties are spread over diverse locations, extranets use the internet as a network to reach out to these parties. A company typically has multiple dedicated extranets for different parties depending on information needs and nature of relationship. Extranets can sometimes also be seen as an extension of the company intranet or internal network where external parties are brought into the fold of the companys private network with access to specific areas or information. Internet This is  the world-wide network  of computers accessible to anyone who knows their Internet Protocol (IP) address the IP address is a unique set of numbers (such as that defines the computers location. Intranet This is a network that is not available to the world outside of the Intranet. If the Intranet network is connected to the Internet, the Intranet will reside behind a firewall and, if it allows access from the Internet, will be an Extranet. The firewall helps to control access between the Intranet and Internet to permit access to the Intranet only to people who are members of the same company or organisation.   Extranet An Extranet is actually an Intranet that is partially accessible to authorised outsiders. The actual server (the computer that serves up the web pages) will reside behind a firewall. The firewall helps to control access between the Intranet and Internet permitting access to the Intranet only to people who are suitably authorised.   EXTRANET: An extranet is a private network that uses Internet protocols and the public telecommunication system to securely share part of a businesss information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses. An extranet can be viewed as part of a companys Intranet that is extended to users outside the company. The same benefits that Web technologies have brought to corporate Intranets are now starting to accelerate business between businesses. Extranets can be used to exchange large volumes of data, share product catalogues, share news with trading partners, collaborate with other companies on joint development efforts, jointly develop and share training programs with other companies, provide or access applications between companies, and much more. It may sound like a technology for geeks only. But many people use extranets every day without realizing itto track packaged goods, order products from their suppliers or access customer assistance from other companies. An extranet is a mechanism based on Internet and Web technology for communicating both privately and selectively with your customers and business partners. USES OF EXTRANET: When done correctly, extranets provide a safe way to allow transactional business-to-business activities and can save your company some serious time and money. The automotive industry uses extranets to cut down on its redundant ordering processes and keep suppliers up to date on parts and design changes, allowing quicker response times to suppliers problems and questions. Suppliers can receive proposals, submit bids, provide documents, even collect payments through an extranet site. An extranet has restricted (password-protected) access, so it may be connected directly to each partys internal systems. DISADVANTAGES: The benefits of extranets, such as reduced time to market and cost of doing business, and faster access to partner information, may be outweighed by the costs-security, Web servers and development, legacy systems integration, ongoing support and maintenance. Extranets require a large amount of IS time and energy, much more than what it takes to get an intranet or Web site up and running, which may place it at the bottom of the IS groups to-do list. CONCLUSION: A mix of each is most likely, Connect to partners, suppliers, customers in the best way that supports your specific business model. extranet is helpful conversationally when considering giving external parties access to enterprise systems. The term should engender a deeper level of consideration and concern regarding maintaining security and managing external relationships.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mountain Dew Essay -- Soft Drinks Soda Essays

Mountain Dew It's cool and refreshing. It's satisfying and invigorating. It's Mountain Dew. But it's not just regular pop. It's a lifesaver that keeps many college students alert during strenuous moments in their college life. Mountain Dew is a favorite of many students on the GC campus because it is relatively cheap to purchase and not difficult to come across. This power drink can be found in the cafeteria, at the Leaf Raker, and in many of the vending machines on campus. Students can get free refills at the cafeteria and may purchase this drink for 99 cents at the Leaf Raker and $1 from vending machines. It comes in cans and in plastic bottles of various sizes. One can buy it in bulk from places like Wal-Mart and other supermarkets. Why do students prefer this suspicious-looking, yellow-colored beverage to other popular drinks like Coca Cola or Pepsi? Many students say they like it because it tastes good and keeps them awake. They find this extremely sweet and caffeine-packed solution appealing and refreshing to taste. Senior Zach Bougner said he likes the citrus taste of Mountain Dew. "I used to drink a can every day before school in high school," said Bougner. "I drove with my left hand and drank with my right." Mountain Dew has the highest caffeine content of all the other pops. While Coca Cola has 45.6 mg of caffeine per 12 oz and Pepsi has only 37.2 mg of caffeine per 12 oz, Mountain Dew contains 55 mg of caffeine per 12 oz. If you are a student who is accustomed to staying up 48 hours straight while battling to block out the enticing call from your bed, this beverage is the way to go. Not only is it high in caffeine, it is also highly concentrated with sugar and other carbohydrates. A sin... ...of hours at a time. What alternatives do people have to stay awake? Should Mountain Dew even be an option? Foster feels it is okay to drink it. "People get addicted to coffee as with Mountain Dew," he said. "For something that isn't as life-hampering [as drug addiction, for instance], I don't think it's that big a deal." He feels there should not be restrictions, except for kids because they are already energetic. On the other hand, Foster says his caffeine tolerance is so high that nothing can really help him stay awake. "It's my own motivation, my own drive, that keeps me awake," he said. Perhaps other students can learn from Foster. Depending on Mountain Dew or other caffeinated beverages may not always be advisable. Sometimes they work and at other times they don't. There comes a time when people just have to make "dew" with what they've got.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Morals And Psychological Aspects in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre :: Jane Eyre Essays

Morals And Psychological Aspects in Jane Eyre Jane Eyre takes the idea of a fairy tale a step further by adding psychological aspects to the story. Jane did the right thing in regards to marrying Mr. Rochester because "what is [considered] morally wrong cannot be psychologically right." In other words, Jane's moral values told her what Mr. Rochester had done wrong. Because of this she cannot "psychologically" go along with it as if nothing was wrong. Psyche and morals both are products of the mind. The mind may consider both options, but it ultimately will choose the option which adheres to its moral foundation. Jane's morals include honesty, justice, and friendship. Her past experiences strongly support this moral foundation. As a child she was constantly accused of being dishonest. Mrs. Reed even informed Mr. Brocklehurst that she was deceitful when she met with him before sending her off to school. She tells him that he should "keep a strict eye on her, and, above all, guard against her worst fault, a tendency to deceit." This both infuriated and crushed Jane. She through experiences such as these came to hate the idea of deceit along with anyone who practiced it. In addition, Jane never saw justice. No matter how obvious it was that John or one of his sisters were at fault Jane was always blamed. By looking at Jane's moral values it becomes apparent what Rochester has, in Jane's eyes, done wrong. He was deceitful in many ways. For one, he didn't tell Jane that he was already married when he asked her to marry him. Big mistake! He also pretended that he was in love with and going to marry Blanche Ingram so that he could make Jane jealous. Even though Jane loves Mr.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How is the theme of insecurity developed in the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ Essay

How is the theme of insecurity developed in the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’ through the use of characters, language and setting? ‘Of Mice and Men’ was written in 1930’s America during the Great Depression. The story begins with Lennie and George fleeing there previous work place, the ending is tragic. During the novel we learn about the friendship that Lennie and George share, along with the dreams and ambitions of the other characters. The story is told in third person, this provides us with a clear unbiased view of all the characters. ‘Of Mice and Men’ was set during The Great Depression, this can show us that most of the characters are insecure and lonely, as they are Itinerant workers, they have no permanent place of work and no house security after the wall street crash. The unemployment rate was high so there was an extreme lack of job security. They have no time build relationships, and no trust for other people. Many of the characters experience insecurity for a variety of reasons. Crooks, the black stable buck feels insecure about his race, this makes him feel he is segregated from the rest as he is the only black person on the ranch, ‘Crooks the negro stable buck’. Because of his race he is discriminated against, no-one ever goes into his room or talks to him ‘I’m black, they say I stink’. Crooks is cruel to Lennie ‘You got no right to come in my room’ this shows a sense of insecurity and bitterness, he is trying to shut people out, as this is the only way he knows to live. Crooks lives in a barn, he is treated like an animal, he sleeps in a straw bed ‘Crooks bunk was a long box filled with straw’, this shows nobody has any respect for him, he is considered worthless, this will add to his insecurity. ‘Square four-paned window’ this represents that he is isolated and he does not like letting people in, just like a small window does not let a lot of light in. Black people were discriminated against in the 1930’s, they were treated with little respect, they were treated like nothings ‘Why it’s just a nigger saying it’. Crooks was brought up where the majority of the population were not coloured, ‘There wasn’t another coloured family for miles’ this will make Crooks insecure all his life he has been around people that are inferior to him. Steinbeck uses imagery to compare Crooks to an animal. Another character that experiences insecurity is Candy, he is the cleaner, he has only one hand and has been at the ranch for a long time. ‘old candy, the swamper came in’. Candy will experience insecurity throughout the novel because he is old and has only one hand this will make him feel insecure because he doesn’t have any job security, as if he loses his job he will not be able to get another as no one else will want an old disabled worker, his whole livelihood depends on someone else he has no control over his life. He compares himself to a dog, like he cannot protect himself, just like his dog that was shot. His only companion was his dog and now he does not have the dog he doesn’t have anybody ‘when they can me here I wish somebod d shoot me’. We know that Candy is insecure because he seems desperate to join George and Lennie in their dream ‘I won’t have no place to go, an’ I can’t get no more than this’ when he fails to join their dream this makes him feels like he has no future. Candy is similar it Crooks, the setting is bare, it is just like a prison, there is no sense of security for him. Curley’s wife is the wife of Curley, the bosses son. She is the only women on the ranch and extremely flirtatious with other ranch workers. Being the only women on the ranch she feels she has power over the men, she flirts with them to overcome her insecurity, she tries to cover up that she is insecure, and she marries Curley to escape her loneliness. Everybody thinks that she is dangerous, but she knows more than everybody thinks ‘Think I don’t know where they all went’. We know she is insecure because she has dream too, she makes herself seem powerless to make the men think she is more vulnerable. By not making her dream come true she becomes insecure about life and puts up a defensive barrier. She wears a lot of makeup and red, this symbolises danger and the fact that she wears a lot of makeup tells us that she is insecure and has low self esteem ‘her finger nail were red’. She does not have a name, she is recognised in the book as Curley wife, this gives the impression that she has no importance on the ranch and she is not treated like a normal person therefore this adds to her insecurity and makes her feel worthless ‘A girl was standing there’. Other characters in the novel that experience insecurity are Bill Tanner and Whit, they used to work on the ranch. ‘Remember, Bill Tanner? Worked here about three months ago’ this gives the impression that the work there is impermanent and transient. This can show the other ranch workers that nothing is everlasting and this can make them feels insecure. They don’t have any job security, they can never settle down this will make them feel insecure because they don’t have anything around them that they can rely on, they don’t have familiar surroundings. Lennie is insecure because without George he is vulnerable and he has a lot of faith in him, he can’t imagine life without him ‘George won’t go away and leave me’. Lennie is described using animal imagery. Animals have a low intelligence level just like Lennie, he cannot think for himself ‘the way a bear drags his paws’. Animals are commonly found in packs, if they are left without their pack they become very vulnerable to other animals, George is like Lennie’s pack, this will give Lennie a sense of insecurity as he knows that he cannot survive by himself. He is constantly asking for Georges approval, he relies on George over everything ‘Where we goin’, George’. So many of the men on the ranch are insecure because they only have their dreams, they have no real life ambitions that they know will truly happen. They have no job or house security this can make them insecure because they do not have any idea of where their life is going to go, they literally have nothing. They are so insecure because they cannot have relationships or friendships with the other ranch workers, this will make them feel like they cannot be themselves and make them feel alone and on their own. In my opinion George does feel a sense of insecurity at the end of the novel because he does no have Lennie anymore, even though sometimes he did not want Lennie with him at all times ‘if I was alone I could live so easy’ he still liked him to be there and to know that he had someone that relied on him even if he did not rely on himself. Without Lennie George feels alone just like the other ranch workers did, he will soon become as insecure and enclosed as them.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Terrorism: An Illegal Undertaking

THESIS STATEMENT:How do terrorists able to fight governments while having no own operation bases and escape taxable economic entities? Terrorism are applied time and again as affairs of state tags of the morally wrong, haphazard, or intolerable practice of aggression or hazard of ferocity by particular perpetrators as for their specific purposes. Social change is their ultimate goal and this collective revolution is aspired so appallingly that terrorists may execute vastly unswerving crimes, especially for spiritual principles, that they may prefer their own death or the deaths of innocent civilians to attain their objective. Those regarded as terrorists hardly ever distinguish themselves as such, and normally make use of other general names or terms particular to their situation (Hans, 2002).The focal predicament with terrorism is that terrorists do not admit that they are terrorists and asserts that the governments are the terrorists. Despite the fact that an autonomous state adopt ing social freedom may maintain an implication of privileged ethical position than other administration systems, a performance of terror campaign within such a nation may bring about an apparent problem on whether to uphold its civic liberation and as a consequence run the risk of being recognized as pointless in dealing with the dilemma, or otherwise constrain its communal emancipation and hence risk unjustifiable allegation of sustaining a democratic organization.With this information at hand, it is indeed difficult to fight terrorism since they are usually not well organized or located. They don’t have their own operations bases since they are hiding and do not want to be caught or captured. Terrorism can be carried out by covert individuals, assemblages, or federations, funded by certain organizations, with mysterious orderly strategies and assaults in public places. Interaction may come about via prevailing telecommunications or all the way through conventional means suc h as couriers. Additionally, since revolutionaries who are involved in intimidation are not well organized and are considered to be illegal, they are not taxable and will hardly be taxable.Speaking of illegitimacy, several authorized government characterizations of terrorism put in a condition of unlawfulness to differentiate between proceedings that are certified by bylaws and those of other persons and minor units. Using this decisive factor, events that would otherwise be eligible of terrorism would not be taken into account as terrorism if they were approved by the board. For instance, a terrorist attack in a municipality, which is intended to distress national reinforcement for a basis, would not be regarded as terrorism if it were allowed by a reasonable authority (Cronin, 2003).Shared ideologies among permissible meanings of terrorism offer a rising consensus as to denotation and also promote collaboration between regulation enforcement staff in discrete nation states. Among these delineations, there are quite a few that do not make out the likelihood of   acceptable custom of fierceness   by civilians against an assailant in a dominated nation and would categorize all opposition engagements as terrorist parties. Others create a peculiarity between legally recognized and prohibited exploitation of ferocity. Sanctioned classifications ascertain counter-terrorism documents and are usually made available to act it. Most authority descriptions give a rough idea about the subsequent vital standards such as target, purpose, intention, executor, and authenticity of the feat.Groups carrying out viciousness are also frequently identifiable by a following set of executors. Oftentimes the word terrorism and radicalism are employed as exchangeable. Nevertheless, there is a noteworthy dissimilarity between the two as terrorism is basically a threat or a deed of substantial fierceness, whereas radicalism entails the use of non-physical mechanisms to activate peop le’s attention to realize some ideological occurrences (Kalyvas, 2004). They should have their own definite distinction as to which must be taxable.References:Hans, Kà ¶chler (2002). Terrorism and the Quest for a Just World Order. Manila Lectures. FSJBook World, ISBN 0-9710791-2-9.Cronin, Audrey Kurth (2003) Behind the Curve: Globalization and International Terrorism. International Security, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 40-41.Kalyvas, Stathis (2004) The Paradox of Terrorism in Civil Wars in Journal of Ethics 8:1, p. 137-138.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

One-Student-One Sports Essay

The 1Student 1Sport was launched by Education Minister in the year of 2011 to all the schools in Malaysia. It was stated in the circular dated 1 December 2010 from the Ministry of Education of Malaysia. The 1Student 1Sport policy makes it compulsory for students to participate actively in at least one sports’ activity in the school. It was established to enable every student to have the access to the benefits of participating in sports, in particular for students who are less or not active. It is to encourage students to adopt a healthy and active lifestyle. Each student is required to be actively involved by participating in the school’s sports activity throughout the year. It is also to provide the opportunity to students with talent and potential to be developed further in their sports carrier. But for student with poor health condition can be exempted from this policy. Objective of 1Student 1Sport. The objective of 1student 1sport is to increase physical fitness, to develop students characters, self-esteem discipline and moral values. Students will practice healthy lifestyle and also be able to perform excellence in their academic and sport. It is also to foster racial unity among the students. The most important task is to fulfil school children’s natural affinity for physical activities and provide balances between their academic and physical needs. For students with passion in sports, this is their opportunity for them to show their excellence and performance. The benefits. It is no doubt that this programme is useful for students. Nowadays children, they are less exercise even in school or home. They are keen to sit in front of television and playing computer games. They’re also no interest of cycling, jogging or even gardening. Children those days are more active such as playing football or badminton, helping their parents in the garden and even often played hide and seek. Their everyday activities required them to move and their physical fitness is fit as a fiddle. Exercise is good for everyone, no matter what age they are. Regular exercise for children can help them to maintain their weight and keep the body systems healthy and strong. Good exercise habits are just as beneficial to children as to adults. According to the report and research from the health ministry, 30 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 17 did their exercise daily, yet are not as physically active as they should be. Good habits can start at home, but it must continue throughout the child’s life for continued good healthy lifestyle. Parents and teachers are the good role model to help these children exercise and make sure they are healthy. Children that participate in daily exercise are less to become overweight, they are maintain strong bones and muscles. They are also less likely to develop chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cancer. The child’s overall well-being, are the kids that are physically active routinely always higher self-esteem, less stress and they perform better in school. If the children play a team sport to fulfil their suggested exercise requirements, they may also have a head start on developing the interpersonal skills that they’ll carry with them throughout the life.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Persuasive Speech Green Burials Essay

With the effects global warming and other natural disasters becoming more frequent, it is safe to say pollution has created a major crisis on our planet. Theses effect can be seen in the United State with the major cold front that has just pushed in from Canada over this past week. Scientist say weather patterns such as this will become more likely because of global warming. As an ecofriendly individual, I have taken the time to research many ecological ideas. Today I hope to persuade individuals to select green burials as an alternative burial option. A green burial or natural burial is the proper disposal of the deceased with as little carbon impact as possible to the natural environment. Green burials help conserve natural resources, produces little to no carbon emissions, aids in protecting the health of grave diggers, and restores and preserves the natural habitat. For the end-of-life ritual to be considered to be a â€Å"green burial,† there can be no usage of non-biodeg radable or toxic materials. People who select to engage in green burials are laid to rest in materials such as: shrouds or biodegradable caskets and urns. Why would a person select to be buried in such a manner, you ask? A green burial offers many positive affect upon the environment when compared to traditional burial methods. I would like to begin by saying that I do not consider any end-of-life method to be considered â€Å"wrong.† I only wish to advocate an alternative option to decrease to carbon footprint of our last act in the world. The act of embalming a loved on often includes the usage a chemical called formaldehyde. Formaldehyde poses a major threat to funeral directors and their funeral homes. In accordance to the National Cancer Institution, â€Å"funeral directors have a much higher incidence of myeloid leukemia.† Although embalming fluid does preserve the physical characteristic of a loved one, but after months in the grave the embalming fluid drastically decrease the decomposition rate of the body. Again I don’t wish to discredit any other form of burial. Green burials offer many positive aspects t hat aid the earth. Why should someone choose to have a green burial? Earth has  always intend to humans to return to the soil from which they came. In nature, nothing is wasted. Everything is recycled by billion upon trillions of tiny microorganisms that break down all waste matter. Natural burials also aid in the growth of native trees, wildflowers, and shrubs. These wild plants will bring about a whole new eco-system to the burial area that both plants and animals will benefit from. There is no water wasted on these grounds or harmful pesticides and herbicides because the area is left to grow naturally. Imagine the joy of being able to remember a loved one as a new tree that provides life to millions of organisms. Green burials are an ecofriendly way to leave a positive lasting impact upon the earth. In 2007 AARP conducted a study that showed, â€Å"1 in 5 American over the age of 50 have considered having a green burial ceremony.† Green burials is just one of many end-of-life rituals practi ced all around the world. Work Cited Markoe, Lauren. â€Å"Green Burials Reflect Care for Earth, Family Finances.† Christian Century 131.4 (2014): 18-19. Academic Search Premier. Wed. 11 November 2014. Unknown. â€Å"Green Burials,†¦Return Naturally.† Green Burials,†¦Return Naturally. N.p., 17 Sept. 2008. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. Unknown. â€Å"Green Burial Council.† Green Burial Council. N.p., 18 May 2012. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Commercial Law and Transactions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Commercial Law and Transactions - Essay Example 30). This rule states that if a bona fide purchaser unknowingly purchases and subsequently sells stolen goods, he will be held liable in common law for the whole market price of those goods as at the date of transaction (Atiyah, 2005, p. 28). Common law states that the proper owner of the goods retains the legal title; as such, the nemo dat rule applies to the successive bona fide purchasers, implying that the actual owner can successfully bring an action against the fifth bona fide purchaser in trover as decided in Beverly Acceptances Ltd. v. Oakley, (1982) RTR 417.1 Goode (2004, p. 16) notes that even though this rule was put in place to protect the true owners of personal property and to allow them to assert their superior title over anyone else over the property, the rule propagates to a greater extent injustice to bona fide purchasers. Besides, it propagates injustice to third parties who are innocent making them lose their claim the moment the true owner appears to assert his t itle (Sealy, Hooley, and Hooley, 2008, p. 23). Therefore, in order to prevent injustice on the bona fide purchaser and third parties, there are a number of exceptions to nemo dat rule which have been put in place in English law as noted in Lowther v. Harris, (1927) 1 K.B 393.2 It is worth noting that these exceptions only provide a certain degree of protection to the bona fide purchaser and innocent third parties as well as well as the true or original owner (Goode, p. 2009, p. 45). In the English Law, this principle is clarified under the Sale of Goods Act. The Sale of Goods Act 1994 specifies that the seller has to fulfil certain responsibilities before goods are sold legally. Rose (2001, p. 14) says that one of the most important clause of this rule is the ‘retention of title’ that allows the seller to retain the title of goods until the goods have been fully paid for. This clause forms a crucial part of any standard conditions and standard of sale. In Coventry Shepa rd & Co. v Great Eastern Railway Co., (1883) 11 QBD 776 it was decided that the original owner or the person authorised to sell the goods by its owner has the right to sell the goods and the buyer is enabled to enjoy possession of those goods free from any interference from any other party.3 As has been noted, there are several statutory exceptions to the nemo dat rule and they include the following: The first exception is estoppel, which implies that the buyer will acquire the title of the goods if the owner of the goods asserts right to sell. Bridge (1997, p. 18) explains that estoppels may be raised through the following ways; conduct, words, and negligence. Estoppel by conduct is whereby the owner’s conduct indicates that he has the right to sell the goods as decided in Henderson & Co v Williams [1895] 1 QB 521.4 Estoppel by words is whereby there is an express authority by the owner that the seller has the right to dispose of the goods (Markesinis and Munday 1998, p. 34) . Estoppel by negligence arises when the owner carelessly allows his goods to come into possession of a different person and that rogue goes ahead and sells it to innocent third

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Persuading against gun control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Persuading against gun control - Essay Example This essay persuades against gun control and its implementation.The immediate damage guns do in assaults, homicides, unintentional shootings, amounting to more than a million deaths since 1965 and about three times that number of injuries, cannot be denied. Indeed, in considering, the potential benefits of sentencing enhancements for gun use in crime, a ban on particularly dangerous types of guns, or more stringent regulation of gun commerce, the first question must be whether that policy will save lives and increase public safety or not, and even if the answer is yes, then there remains a second, more subtle question as to what would be the measures taken in order to make the policy effective in public safety†? Efforts have always been taken to keep guns away from those deemed at high risk for misusing them and has been an important goal of gun policy. â€Å"The most promising new option in design is to ‘personalize’ guns, thereby preventing them from being fired by persons other than the authorized owner and in such way convict not to implement gun control . This technology along with a variety of different technological options holds some promise for saving lives by making guns inoperable to despondent members of society. If we analyze the sequence of events that leads to a shooting, we would come to know many facts like â€Å"the assailant must acquire the gun, bring or carry it to the scene of the encounter, and then deploy it against the victim. Law enforcement and regulatory agencies may intervene in any of these three areas ". (Cook, 2000, p. 31) Here are some examples of where and how such interventions can be focused:

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Lipstick Traces and Kalle Lasn's Contemporary Fluxus Text Essay

Lipstick Traces and Kalle Lasn's Contemporary Fluxus Text - Essay Example Culture jamming seeks to raise the power relationship in the object, situation, or discourse to the clarity of immediate criticism, Lasn's conception is highly flexible, which consists of nearly any project or performance that welds art, protest, and humor. It includes a wide array of activities, from counter-surveillance to illegal computer hacking to ad busting. The term â€Å"culture jamming was coined by Kalle Lasn in the book Culture Jam. Lassn , the founder of the anti-consumerist magazine Adbusters, is on a mission to intervene in the media spectacle and work against our habits of blind consumerism. Dyke Action and the Guerrilla Girls are actually more militant than traditional culture jammers. Dyke Action, along with groups such as Gran Fury, Fierce Pussy, Lesbian Avengers, and ACT UP confront serious lesbian and gay issues. The Guerrilla Girls have become renown not only for posters and slogans, but for lectures, public appearances, and books protesting women’s repre sentation as both artists and as subjects. Their work touches on global issues and is concerned with the oppression of women worldwide. What is the spectacle? It's everything - humor, advertising, television, and so forth - comprising today's "spectacular level of commodity consumption and hype," as Kalle Lasn wrote in Culture Jam. And to show how deep the spectacle's recuperation has penetrated social life, successors of situationist theory have been absorbed into the spectacle they fought against. Having become marketing experts, advertising consultants, and advanced campaign managers, many of the culture jammers are now the prizes and trophies of capitalist domination. Not just an accessory source for marketing gurus, radicalism and rebellion are the dialectical anti-thesis of capitalism and thus the perfect synthesis for "post-ideological", late capitalist domination. This Jack in the Box advertisement that I photographed is a perfect example. Culture jamming gets our initial at tention mostly because of the innovative way in which they use imagery, striving to shock and provoke. In this way they are actually enlarging the amount of expressions that are deemed acceptable by the public. What was once provoking, like billboards of Marlboro Country superimposed on images of urban decay, now forms the common element in Diesel's Brand 0 campaign. The use of the original technique by culture jammers consecrated it as cool, and Diesel can now use this to their own benefit. Seen from this angle, culture jamming is working against itself. According to du Gay, meaning is created in dislocation. Dislocation is inevitable, and occurs in our case when a projected brand identity is unable to represent itself entirely objective. In order to be constituted as such, the brand depends on a constitutive outside, the consumers. Put simply, a brand identity must be accepted as such by consumers for it to be perceived as real. Du Gay calls uses the notion of vectors pulling in d ifferent directions. This creates a dynamic process, where meaning and perceived reality is the outcome. I have argued that the massive presence of promotional messages can be seen as part of our perceived realities. Thus, producers and consumers of brands

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Summary of an article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Summary of an article - Essay Example Students use their computer systems to copy music files and download movies and similarly they think that copying and pasting other writers’ work is the same non-serious task. Gabriel mentions a survey which shows that 40% of students admit plagiarizing, and the number of students who consider plagiarism as a serious act is declining with every passing year. Students going to libraries for research work are very few today and since everything is virtual online, thus they do not think that there is any harm in using words that do not belong to them. Students get motivated to use other works through TV shows that copy other shows and music that contains others’ lyrics. They just need a grade to pass the exam and do not mind plagiarizing for this purpose which makes their work unoriginal and unauthentic. Students mix their work with others which keeps them from bringing up new and innovative ideas. However, Gabriel quotes Ms. Wilensky who states that still there are many s cholars who are producing original pieces of work. She asserts that students should be taught to reproduce ideas in their own words right from the start so that they do not plagiarize when they go to

Logistic and Supply Chain Management Research Paper

Logistic and Supply Chain Management - Research Paper Example There has been a shift of environmental responsibility from the consumer to the manufacturer. Also, the retailers have become more dominant as compared to manufacturers in the supply chain relationship and they are generally the drivers of a sustainable and green supply chain (Business Guide, 2003). A block diagram of a green supply chain is shown in Figure 1.1(Fortes, 2009). The government owns the primary responsibility to influence supply chain sustainability. The government can achieve progress on this by effective use of bans, subsidies, and incentives. The government can come up with measures such as environmental labels, licenses and product design guidelines (Business Guide, pp. 42). There are already a number of regulations in place for sustainability. These include U.S. Farm security and rural investment act (2002), European Union’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), China ROHS, E.U. Cosmetics directive, E.U. Packaging Directive, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and REACH. In addition, there are International Standards such as WRAP, FLA, ICTI CARE, ISO 14000 and ISO 26000 for addressing environmental causes (Business for Social Responsibility, 2007). The relationship between brand owners and retailers is changing. Big retailers such as Walmart have a huge clout over the manufacturers and control the types of products they want to keep on their shelves. In addition, the retailers and brand owners are also under tremendous pressure from NGOs and other organizations working for environmental causes. This pressure comes from the opportunity cost due to a risk of reputation loss among the stakeholders. Some of the well known non-profit organizations working in collaboration with companies for environmental sustainability are Carbon Trust, Ceres, Clinton Climate Initiative, Conservation International and Earth share (Tilde, 2010).  Ã‚  

Monday, September 9, 2019

Effective Team and Performance Management Essay - 11

Effective Team and Performance Management - Essay Example The paper is focused on the interpersonal relationship in the company. It proves that self-awareness of employees helps to increase effectiveness of the team management. The work describes how to develop self-awareness of employees. Some of the techniques include relationship orientation, soft skills, soliciting feedbacks, asking good questions, listening without justification etc. The author shows that relationship orientation revolves around safety, understanding, trust, sensitivity, and respect. â€Å"Soft skill† are usually heard skills that effect relationships at the work place. Consequently, employees will tent to feel that they are free in their attitudes and behaviors hence this can bring mutual respect. The work enumerates the three key tasks for the team leadership: supporting and coaching the team to succeed, maintaining and building a team as a performing unit, and lastly, creating a condition that will enable the team to embark on its work. The paper is supplied with the diagrams that illustrate the leadership skills in an organizational relationship. It provides the description of McGregor’s theory x and y as well as skills characteristics of theory x manager and y manager. The author concludes that interpersonal relationship is very essential in any given team or organization since this in one way or another that leads to either success or failure in organizational goals. It is important for one to evaluate oneself thoroughly in order to be self-aware so that to be able to manipulate those who are near correctly.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Economics - Essay Example Economists Brad DeLong and Stephen Cohen have expressed in their book, The End of Influence that as other nations are rapidly gaining economic power, people will soon experience a major change in life style. People have conventionally tried to associate themselves with America in terms of culture and life style because Americans, being rich, have been idealized. In the recent years, the free-market capitalism has put American economical stability into crisis and has transferred the power to the economy of emerging nations as India, China and Latin America. This transfer of economical power will soon put an end to the long sustained dominance of American ideology, culture and fashion over other nations. This will essentially be an end of â€Å"the neoliberal dream†. It is being realized that in early 2000s, policymakers in America unnecessarily became too satisfied with the trends of economical power and stability whereas the actual situation required them to think otherwise. S ome economists are of the view that banks should look forward to an inflation target of 4 % instead of the targeted 2 % so that they can manipulate things as required. Blanchard suggests that raising the inflation now would ease the monetary policy during financial crisis, and the fiscal positions would thus be saved considerably.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Design and Media Art- Media Histories Class Assignment Essay

Design and Media Art- Media Histories Class Assignment - Essay Example An analysis of the Western capitalist societies and their changes was developed by a German-American group of theorists known as the Frankfurt School (Adorno 43). They were among the earliest producers of accounts in social theories on the significance of mass communication and culture in social domination and reproduction (Buck-Morss 12). They also generated the initial models of critical studies analyzing the procedures of cultural production and the reception of the audience. The studio audience is aware of the position from which the act may not be detected immediately as illusionary, but such a chance is not there for a scene of a movie in the process of being shot. It possesses the illusionary nature of a second degree that results from cutting. The mechanical equipment provided by industrialization has infiltrated deeply enough into reality such that its pure aspect is released from the foreign essence of the equipment through the shooting procedure. The combination of emotion al and visual enjoyment characterizes the progressive reaction of the audience. The feature of equipment free reality became the optimum level of artifice. Immediate reality became a priced element as technology advanced. In the 1930s, a critical approach was developed by the Frankfurt school towards communication and cultural studies. It combined textual analysis and analysis of ideological and social effects. To this end, they came up with the phrase culture industry to refer to the industrialization process of culture produced in mass as well as the commercial necessity that propelled the system. Theorists who criticized mass mediated cultural works in the perspective of industrial production claimed they portrayed similar features as all other mass produced products. However, the culture industries of the Frankfurt school held a specific role of providing ideologically legitimate theories of the capitalist societies’ existence and integrating art into its people’s lifestyles (Buck-Morss 16). With industrialization bringing forth more versatile cameras, the difference between the works of a painter and a cameraman were also understood on different levels. While there exists a natural distance between a painter’s work and reality, a cameraman can penetrate scenes more deeply. The painter’s product may be termed as a total product, while the cameraman’s is made up of multiple segments amassed through a new law. Therefore, after industrialization, present day man finds the reality represented by film superior to that portrayed by a painter. The detailed penetration of reality mechanical equipment is capable of achieving offers the reality in an aspect that contemporary man feels entitled to demand from artwork (Hopkinson 27). As the Frankfurt school promoted the mass and homogeneous production of media through its culture industry model, more models were developed including those by Walter Benjamin and Ernst Bloch (Fabian and Adam 19). However, the culture industry articulated the significant social roles media culture played by providing a commercially and technically advanced model. It played a key role in ideological reproduction and how it is perceived today to serve the needs of individuals and corporate interests. Question Two Although the camera obscura’s characteristics were observed in the Western world and China in the 16th century, the electronic and printed forms of images produced by cameras became a common and widely used way of arousing emotions and

Friday, September 6, 2019

Philosophical Argument Essay Example for Free

Philosophical Argument Essay â€Å"Something must first be said briefly about the moral subjectivism inherent in this analysis. Based on the above, it follows that some things could be immoral for some people and moral (or amoral) for others, since people vary in their values. For example, some people may possess a fundamental value for all animal life of any kind, which would entail not eating meat, not allowing suicide, nor even allowing the removal of life support for a brain-dead patient. But this value system would only exist for them, not for others. However, my analysis does not entail moral relativism in the usual sense, since it is also possible (and I believe it is the case) that some fundamental values are shared by all people, or very nearly all people (I allow some rare exceptions for the sociopath, who is generally regarded as having a mind alien to the vast majority of humankind, devoid of all ordinary moral sentiment). (Carrier)†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The above argument contains two premises: 1) Some people value all forms of life; and 2) All people share some fundamental values. The conclusion is that: Morality is relative. The quoted passage is an example of argument because it expresses a claim which is being supported by the given premises. It can be said that morality is relative because people have different perspective about the value of life – (that while others do not admit any sort of action that would not promote life as morally permissible, others welcome the fact that every person has a right to make a decision about how he would like to treat his life or whatsoever). â€Å"From a point of view outside of this affair, the killing of a neurologically inactive fetus is no greater a harm than the killing of a mouse, and in fact decidedly lessa mouse is neurologically active, and though it lacks a complex cerebral cortex, it has a brain of suitable complexity to perceive pain (and I would argue that the mouse deserves some moral consideration, though less than humans). A fetus cannot perceive pain (and perception is not quite the same thing as sensation: sensation can exist without a brain, but perception cannot). The neural structures necessary to register and record sensations of pain transmitted by the appropriate nerves either do not exist or are not functioning before the fifth month of gestation. A fetus can no more feel pain than a surgical patient under general anasthesia, or a paraplegic whose lower-body nerves continue reacting to stimuli, but cease sending signals to the brain. And we have already established that a fetus does not contain an individual human personality of any kind, any more than a brain-dead adult does. With no perception of pain, and no loss of an individual personality, the act of abortion causes no immediate harm. (Carrier†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The second passage is another example of an argument. It has three premises; 1) Fetus is neurologically inactive; 2) Fetus does not feel pain; 3) Fetus does not possess individual personality. The conclusion suggests that: Abortion causes no harm. Obviously, the established premises attempt to prove the conclusion. Since fetus cannot react to any form of stimuli as how a surgical patient or even a mouse does, hence the act of abortion does not inflict harm to the fetus. Work Cited Carrier, Richard C. Abortion is not Immoral and Should not be Illegal . 30 November 2005.  Ã‚   Internet Infidels. 31 February 2008  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Thursday, September 5, 2019

A Gamma Rays Report Biology Essay

A Gamma Rays Report Biology Essay Have you ever know that Gamma-ray bursts can release more energy in 10 seconds than the Sun will emit the same amount of energy in its entire 10 billion-year lifetime? Have you ever believed that a Gamma-ray is actually the most energetic and most active photon in the electromagnetic spectrum? As a matter of fact, scientists believe that a gamma-ray burst will occur once every few million years in the Milky Way, but has it ever came to your mind that a gamma ray burst is the MOST powerful known explosion in the galaxy? Well, Gamma-rays are extremely high frequency waves that have very small wavelengths and carry the largest amount of energy in the entire electromagnetic spectrum. In fact, these waves are produced by radioactive atoms as well as nuclear explosions. Because Gamma-rays pass through almost any material and are very difficult to stop, one may need a large concentration of lead or concrete in order to block them out and reduce their damage. In fact, Gamma-rays also have the ability to cause serious damage when engaged by living cells due to their extremely high energy substance. How Gamma-Rays are produced? Gamma rays are obviously part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and are photons, or in other words, packets of energy. The term photon itself means visible light particle, however, photons inside gamma rays are called gamma photons. These photons inside the gamma rays have over a million times more energy than visible light. Gamma rays originate or actually come from the nucleus of an atom, and as a result, are produced when an atom is radioactive and contains too much energy in the nucleus (the center of an atom). Also, when the atom is very active it emits a beta particle, which is an extremely high speed electron or proton that is emitted when an atom is radioactive. However, when the atom emits a beta particle it still contains too much energy, so it emits a gamma photon, or in other words, gamma radiation.C:Documents and SettingsRamzaMy DocumentsMy Picturesgamma.gif Properties: Gamma rays are very high energy ionizing radiations that are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma photons have absolutely no mass and no electric charges; they are neutral and have 100% pure electromagnetic energy. In fact, Gamma Radiation is a type of energy that has a very high frequency, and therefore, consists of extremely short wavelengths. Actually, Gamma Rays can travel at the speed of light due to their high energy levels; they can cover thousands of meters before consuming all their energy. Consequently, gamma photons can pass almost any type of material that includes human tissue. For instance, lead is used as a shield to slow down or stop gamma photons. Uses Gamma rays, which are basically electromagnetic radiations discharged by radioactive or atomic decay, are used in many purposes, from killing cancerous cells to measuring soil density. Even though Gamma rays contain some cancer-causing properties, they are somehow used to treat some types of cancer. As a matter of fact, in the procedure called gamma-knife surgery, different beams of gamma rays are actually directed on the growth (the cancerous cells) in order to kill them. Well, first of all, Gamma rays are used for many treatment purposes, mainly for killing tumors, cancer cells and other malignant cells in the human body. In fact, a tracer, which is in other words, a radioactive substance, is put inside the human body, and its path (trace) inside the body is then followed. A special gamma camera uses those rays to build up a picture, and this picture gives the doctor an excellent and complete vision of what he is treating and dealing with. The patient gets a very small dose of the radiation and, therefore, does not suffer greatly. Secondly, Gamma Rays are used in sterilizing medical equipment by actually killing the bacteria. They are also used to kill bacteria, microbes and insects in foodstuffs, mainly meat and vegetables, basically to maintain freshness. Furthermore, gamma rays are used to gauge thickness of metals in steel mills, measure and control flow in liquids in industrial processes, as well as provide very interesting images of the universe. Finally, Gamma rays have also disclosed huge information about the structure of the atomic nucleus, as they actually interact with substance by different separated elementary processes.C:Documents and SettingsRamzaMy DocumentsMy Picturesradiotherapy.jpg Effects As a matter of fact, Gamma radiation is the most penetrative type of energy known; gamma rays can get past even some of the densest and thickest materials, making them both a great benefit as well as a hazard. Because the photons that cover up gamma radiation are so energetic, their effect on human health is indeed extremely deep. Effects of gamma rays are well-known to everybody from treatment of nuclear fallout. In fact, close contact with radioactive materials of a significant size causes damage to skin tissue and deaths are also very likely. Normally, burns occur more or less directly, while nausea, fatigue and vomiting take hours to become visible after the exposure. Unfortunately, the burn is very painful and deep. Hair loss and bleeding may take up to months to start heeling and actually return to normal again. In fact, Gamma rays are generally recognized to be the most physically major grate by which ionization radiation causes cancer as well as heredity disease. http://www.a In conclusion, Gamma-rays have the shortest wavelengths, highest frequencies, and, as a result, are the most powerful and energetic form of light in the universe. As mentioned above, it has the most energy of any other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum. Gamma rays are used to kill cancerous cells, which actually assures the fact that gamma rays are an advantage to medicine, but, at the same time could be very harmful indeed. Actually, Gamma radiation is the most penetrative type of energy known currently; it can get past even some of the densest substances, making them both a great benefit as well as a hazard.C:Documents and SettingsRamzaMy DocumentsMy PicturesPicture%204_43.png Quotes about Gamma Rays In general, the objects in the universe that are very high-energy objects, or the processes that are high-energy processes, will radiate more in the short wavelength range towards the gamma rays or the x-rays. Claude Nicollier The first stage had been all over before the doctors even knew they were dealing with a new sickness; it was the direct reaction to the bombardment of the body, at the moment when the bomb went off, by neutrons, beta particles, and gamma rays. John Hersey Gamma was a logical progression after doing the Open Fire record. Ronnie Montrose I turned my attention for a while to gamma ray astronomy and soon began the first in a continous series of experiments at the Savannah River site to study the properties of the neutrino. Frederick Reines In this case, the particle formed has correspondingly less energy, whereas the product nucleus passes into the ground state with emission of the quantity of energy saved as gamma radiation. Walther Bothe Our border patrol does a great job under these very dangerous conditions. They use very sophisticated equipment, including gamma rays, to detect drugs and illegal immigrants as they enter the U.S. Timothy Murphy Read more: Citation Website Mark. Gamma Rays | Radiation Protection | US EPA.  US Environmental Protection Agency. Us Government, 1 Oct. 2010. Web. 12 Feb. 2011. . Thompson, Martin J. What Is a Gamma Ray?  WiseGEEK: Clear Answers for Common Questions. IND, INC, May-June 2028. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. . Moss, Jennifer M. The Electromagnetic Spectrum: Gamma Rays.  Andy Darvills Science Site: Home. Google, Jan. 2006. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. . Liam S. Gamma Ray Quotes Science Quotes Dictionary of Science Quotations and Scientist Quotes.  Today In Science History. Web. 21 Feb. 2011. . Book Schonfelder, Volker. 5.  The Universe in Gamma Rays. Berlin [u.a.: Springer, 2001. Print.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Gender Stereotypes within Sports Essay -- Equality Feminism Athletics

Gender Stereotypes within Sports Mainly men play sports. Graceful little girls and dykes play sports too. There is no room for anyone in the middle. However they do not play the same sports, these three groups of people. The manly men play football, rugby, hockey, they box and lift weights. The dykes can play any sport because their breaking of the genderized sports barrier can be chalked up to the fact that they are lesbians, not real women anyway. Graceful little girls, they are the ones we can admire, they are the gymnasts, the ice skaters and the synchronized swimmers. Female athletes as they should be are epitomized in these little girls. These lines and more are what society has been fed concerning appropriate sports for men and women. Because of women's long time exclusion from sport, the games became gendered. Women still wear skirts in many sports; the rules of some games such as lacrosse are different for men and women. Muscles are sexy on men but a hotly debated issue on women. But what happens when the m en want to wear the skirts and the women want to step into the ring? In most cases unfortunately there are bad repercussions along with the good ones. Sexuality is called into question when members of either sex compete in an unconventional sport. In the case of women, they are constantly compared to men, not being as fast or strong, therefore undermining their game and style. However, every time a man puts on skirt for a field hockey match, or a woman laces up her cleats for a football game despite society's ill will, all humans benefit. When a man disregards the social pressure he feels to be on a field competing and decides instead to stand on the sidelines and cheer, many issues arise. While male cheerleadi... ...We live in a culture that is dominated by sports. A favorite baseball player would be more readily named than the president as a child's hero. Just as the physical education department in the 1920's inadvertently created a problem we are still fighting when they insisted on keeping women separate and therefore suspect to lesbianism, reversing that notion of some sports for girls and some for boys will better society on a whole. Freeing women of the burden of being suspected of lesbianism every time they pick up a ball or bat will open up opportunities for girls all over the country. And when men are allowed to follow their desire for sport, be it through baseball or cheerleading it will help break down the rigid rules of masculinity that exist today. As one varsity male cheerleader said, "Any man can hold a cheerleader's hand, but only the elite can hold her feet."