Thursday, January 30, 2020

How Enzymes Work in the Home and in Industry Essay Essay Example for Free

How Enzymes Work in the Home and in Industry Essay Essay This essay aims to explore the ways on how enzymes are used in home and in industry, and it aims to explain the advantages and disadvantages of using enzymes in the home and industry. An enzyme is a protein that is formed by the body that acts as a catalyst to cause a certain desired reaction. Enzymes are very specific. Each enzyme is designed to initiate a specific response with a specific result. Firstly, the AQA Science Biology textbook published in 2011 by Nelson Thornes Ltd suggests on page 172 that â€Å"in the past, people boiled and scrubbed their clothes to get them clean – by hand! Now we have washing machines and enzymes ready and waiting to digest the stains. † This is telling us how people now use enzymes at home and it is much easier from the past. This is an example of how enzymes are used in homes. Enzymes are used to get rid of the stains that are on the clothes in washing machines. Enzymes are used to break down proteins and fats that are in the stains. This is evident in the same textbook on the same page number mentioned above when it says, â€Å"many people use biological detergents to remove stains such as grass, sweat and food from their clothes. Biological washing powders contain proteases and lipases.† Proteases and lipases are those enzymes that are used to break down the proteins and fats that are in the stains. In addition, it is better to use biological detergents instead of non-biological detergents at lower temperatures because that is when the enzymes work at their best, if the water is too hot then they are denatured and this also means that you use less electricity. The edited book version called ‘Enzymes in Industry’ written by Dr Wolfgang Aehle published in 2007 suggests that â€Å"in the food industry enzymes are used to improve dairy products like cheese or to supply us with breads that have the right crumb structure and give us the right mouth feel while eating.† This is showing how and why enzymes are used in industry. They are used to improve dairy products or to supply with breads that are good enough for us. Protease enzymes are used to make baby foods. In the book ‘Chemistry at a glance’ published by Roger Owen and Sue King it says on page 116 â€Å"proteins in baby foods may be pre-digested by proteases (enzymes which digest proteins). Babies are not very good at digesting the food when they first begin to eat solid foods. By using protease enzymes in the food, makes it easier for a baby’s digestive system to cope with it and then the babies can also get the amino acids that need from their food more easily. There are more enzymes used in industry like carbohydrases to convert starch into sugar (glucose syrup). There are many advantages and disadvantages of using enzymes. Enzymes can be good to use. In the AQA Science Biology textbook published in 2011 by Nelson Thornes Ltd suggests on page 173 that â€Å"in industrial processes, many o the reactions need high temperatures and pressures to make them go fast enough to produce the products needed. This needs expensive equipment and requires a lot of energy.† The good thing is that by using enzymes it would solve industrial problems like these. On the same page, it says the enzymes â€Å"catalyze at relatively low temperatures and normal pressures. This is why the enzyme-based processes are cheap to run. This is an advantage showing that by using enzymes it is cheaper and easier. There are also disadvantages of using enzymes. This is evident in the same book on the same page as it mentions, â€Å"one problem with enzymes is that they are denatured at high temperatures, so the temperature must be kept down†. This shows that by using enzymes they can be denatured so you would have to be careful and keep an eye on the temperature. In addition, the pH needs to be controlled and it costs money to control these conditions which means it is bad. You would have to pay to control theses conditions and if you do not then the enzymes would denature which is not good. The original BBC Bitesize GCSE website in the science section suggests that there are many enzymes, which are expensive to produce. This is evident on the website as it says, â€Å"In industry, enzymes allow reactions that normally need expensive, energy-demanding equipment to happen at normal temperatures and pressures. On the other hand, most enzymes are denatured at high temperatures.† This shows that many enzymes are quite expensive to produce and this is a disadvantage of using enzymes. In conclusion, enzymes are used in many places like homes and in the industry because they can be good in ways such as using them in baby food, which would help the digestive system of babies. However, there are also some disadvantages of using enzymes for example some enzymes can be very expensive to produce. I believe that enzymes should be used in some places and should not in others, this way I think that there would not be trouble caused.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Lecithin Supplements Effectiveness In Weight Loss :: Lecithin Health Weight Loss Essays

Lecithin Supplement's Effectiveness In Weight Loss WHAT IS LECITHIN? Lecithin, a lipid material composed of choline and inositol, is found in all living cells as a major component of cell membranes, which regulate the nutrients entering and exiting the cell. The term "lecithin" has two definitions depending on what group is using the term. Scientists define lecithin as synonymous with phosphatidylcholine, the name for one of the principle phospholipids. On the other hand, producers of lecithin for commercial use use the term lecithin to refer to a complex mix of phosphatides and other substances that contain phosphatidylcholine. HOW IS LECITHIN SOLD TO THE PUBLIC? Lecithin can be naturally consumed through a diet including lecithin rich foods such as egg yolk, soybeans, grains, wheat germ, fish, legumes, yeast, and peanuts, to name a few. Lecithin supplements are sold to the public in capsule, powder or granular form. Lecithin is usually taken in a pill form or mixed into health shakes. Many companies advertise their supplies of lecithin as a dietary supplement on the web. Examples of supplement producers whom sell lecithin are The Herb Shop, All-Natural, Solgar, Health Revolution, Earth Legacy. Lecithin is also sold in many health food stores. These commercial forms are highly filtered. The commercial, dietary supplement form of lecithin contains less that 35% of phosphatidylcholine. (Szuhaj, 325) The various substances included and the different amounts of phosphatidylcholine ("scientific" lecithin) depend on the method of its preparation and the source from which the lecithin was taken. (Hanin, 444) most of the commercially used lecithin is derived from soybeans. (Central Soy). Lecithin is also retailed as an emulsifying agent, allowing fats to be dispersed when mixed with water. This is a great aid in the production of foods such as margarine, mayonnaise, chocolate and baked goods because it keeps foods from sticking to themselves and other surfaces. Lecithin is even used for industrial purposes. WHAT CLAIMS DO LECITHIN SUPPLEMENT SUPPLIERS MAKE ABOUT LECITHIN'S FUNCTIONS? Lecithin is promoted as a quick fix for weight loss, as well as many other diseases and ailments. Lecithin supplement producers claim that lecithin has a beneficial role in: Cardiovascular health Liver and cell function fat transport and fat metabolism reproduction and child development physical performance and muscle endurance cell communication improvement in memory, learning and reaction time relief of arthritis healthy hair and skin treatment for gallstones

Monday, January 13, 2020

Racial Discrimination from Police Essay

Racial discrimination in the United States is as old as America itself. The United States motto deduces that, although America is a single country, it is made up of people of all walks from all the corners of the world, but some as slaves, especially from Africa. The American population is diverse both culturally and racially thus the name ‘Melting Point’. Racial discrimination is the act of subordinating an individual due to the color of the skin or race. Discrimination against people of color began long ago while slavery still existed, and it took a Civil War between the Northern and Southern states to end slavery. In history, racist violence, police brutality, has been used to suppress the racial blacks and to preserve power and privileges for the white race. This was done for five primary purposes. First, it has forced black people into slavery or low wage situations. Secondly, to steal land and other resources. A third was to maintain social control. A fourth purpose was to eliminate conflict in politics, social life, and employment. Lastly, the fifth purpose was to unite white people across the ethnic, class, and gender boundaries. It is not really different of what we see nowadays through every day in the street. It is just getting a little bit smoother , cover up by law that a certain category of people make to protect themselves and the ones who as the privilege to use it. Most of the times, they do not been treated as the minority whenever they do the same mistakes by the justice in this country. The following grounds for suspicion of criminality are among the many reasons that African American motorists are pulled over: Driving a luxury automobile (e. . , Lexus, Mercedes, BMW, etc. ), driving in a car with other black men, driving early in the morning or late at night, driving in a low-income neighborhood, known for its drug traffic, driving in a neighborhood where there have been recent burglaries,†¦ Although the above list may in fact be the reason that a prejudice officer’s attention is obtained, none of the reasons listed can be filed as a probable cause in the police report. I have so many bad experiences with the police that I think, it is just getting worst. We all know, minority people, that they use theses bunch of †laws† to still keep us down because they still, and for more of the â€Å"white people† ,think that they are a â€Å"superior race†. One day, I was with my dad driving around a nice neighborhood with some friend to go pick up one our friend to go at the club. It was late around 11 pm that night. From nowhere the police pull us over and start actin really at their defensive. They asked us to get out of the car, after checking if the car has the proper paper (insurance & driver license). They asked us what we were doing there and we answered without stress that we are going to pick up a friend of us to go at the club. One of us asked us, straight up on our face, if we were not here for other illegal purpose in the neighborhood. We were still acting cool, at the same moment two others police cars pulled over. We were surprise by the number of units just for 3 people. They start searching us with some brutality and still asking stupid questions. The car also has been check. They brought a K-9 dog to search the car. We did not know what they were looking for and even if they have a warrant on us. After some so long minutes, they let us go. The think that really made us feel that we were inferior was the fact that one of the cars was following us through the neighborhood until we got out. That experience was the most shameful one I ever been into. I really hate cops since this experience. Being a minority and particularly black is not a crime. I totally presume that most of the police are like that. Racial bias and discrimination are existent in the minds of many individuals, some of whom may have, if it is at all possible, a justification for such thoughts. But when it comes to the protection and justice of a society, race should not even be an issue. The criminal justice system of today fuels its flame of democracy with decisions influenced by a certain individual’s race and stature in society, and allows these preconceptions to be the basis of such decisions. Whether it is the African American motorist being pulled over with no probable cause, or the racially spurred brutalizing by the police, racism prevails in the world of criminal justice. Most communities that suffer police discrimination and violence have little control of the economy, or political overseers of the police. Typically the people who do have these powers are the richer communities, with primarily white citizens. I do not think the community or even education can do something about it, it is already in their manners and nothing will change it, The only think that could make a minority person close to their tight circle is â€Å"money†.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Solving the Foreclosure Crisis Not the End of the...

Our nation today has become spoiled with instant gratification. Loans and the borrowing system have given the idea that patience is no longer a virtue and that saving is no longer necessary. Material wealth is increased, but so is the idea of false wealth. People have become so bloated with it; therefore they take on more than they can afford. That is what has happened with our nation’s recent wave of foreclosures. Loans have led everyone to believe that they can own a home and it has omitted the practice of saving. That is where the beginning of the solution lies. Our nation’s people need to relearn the value of patience, therefore we need to learn how to start saving again because although loans may pave a way toward†¦show more content†¦Before this recent foreclosure crisis, these four states were the fastest growing in the U.S. No one creates this mess, and things like this do not just happen. To try to solve this, we have to look deep down at the root of the problem. There are many reasons for foreclosure, including job loss, payment increase or mortgage adjustment, reduced income, along with many other reasons. What do these reasons have in common? They are all due to the bad economy and the homeowners cannot help these circumstances. Nobody would voluntarily choose to stop paying their mortgage, it would be unforeseen circumstances that arise that leaves one without enough to meet their payments. The borrower is left with no choice and clear solution. The borrower is just the outer surface of a deep problem. The problem lies within the system of lending itself. The system of credit that the U.S. relies on allows purchasing based on credit, or the ability to pay bills. Gauged with a credit score, one can increase this by paying more bills. Essentially, to gain a high credit score, one must incur more debt. This is where everything goes wrong. Though material wealth is increased, so is the debt. Unfortunately, peo ple become so inflated with this false wealth that they take on more debt than they can afford. With their high amount of debt, or credit, other purchases including homes become easier. This adds a considerable amount to one’s already high debt.Show MoreRelatedPromoting Responsibility in Lending: An End to Foreclosed Homes1009 Words   |  5 PagesThe problems of the American economy are growing every day. An economy in ruins causes ripple effects within the country; whether it is an increase in crime, borrowing money, or the loss of jobs. One of the most devastating effects of the economic problems we are facing is the one directly related to their cause: the foreclosure crisis. More than 2.7 million homes have been foreclosed since 2007, and the number continues to climb. 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