Saturday, December 28, 2019

What You Pawn I Will Redeem Essay - 775 Words

Alison DiNucci â€Å"What you Pawn I Shall Redeem† 10/25/10 Jackson Jackson is a homeless Indian living in Seattle. He was given a chance to win back his grandmother’s powpow regalia. I believe that throughout the story all of Jackson’s intentions to try and get back the regalia were good, although it didn’t seem like it at first. What made me like Jackson was his continued effort. Also what made Jackson more likeable in the story was he used his humor to help him. Jackson is a very complex person with many different sides to him. Jackson wouldn’t say why he was homeless. He said it was his secret and that Indians had to work hard at keeping their secrets. I think Jackson was proud to be homeless because he also said that â€Å"being†¦show more content†¦Then he decided to sell newspapers, so the newspaper guy gave him fifty papers for free. Jackson then went out on the street and only sold five in an hour and gave up and threw the rest out. He then went to McDonalds and bought burgers for him-self to eat, only to throw everything up. Then at the end of the story Jackson had thirty dollars left, out of everything he had over the course of twenty-four hours, and he ended up buying three other Indians plus himself breakfast, only to have the Indians disappear right after. I feel like if Jackson had tried harder he would have at least come up with most of the money he needed to really prove that he had tried hard. I think that throughout this story we are shown who Jackson really is. He is an endearing, compassionate, caring, and giving human being. He really truly cared about his grandmother too. I think he idolized her. Most memories Jackson had are about his grandmother. I think he misses her so much and she has helped sculpt him into the person he is today, despite the fact that he is homeless and an alcoholic. He said that â€Å"I’ve been killing myself ever since she died† (Alexie 276). His grandmother was the only one in his family to really make a significant impact on Jackson’s life. I think that the pawn shop owner saw who Jackson was and that was why heShow MoreRelatedWhat You Pawn I will Redeem1272 Words   |  3 Pagesï » ¿ Essay 1: â€Å"What You Pawn, I Will Redeem† Sherman Alexie’s What you Pawn, I Will Redeem appears on the surface to be a simply written story of a homeless, alcoholic Indian in Seattle who is trying to earn enough money to reclaim his grandmothers Pow Wow regalia from a local pawn shop. But upon looking closely, there are many symbolic passages that my lead a person to much deeper conclusions. Throughout the story there are many clues that hint at the fact that this quest may not have been realRead MoreThe Tunnel And What You Pawn I Will Redeem872 Words   |  4 PagesThe main characters in the stories Through the Tunnel and What You Pawn I Will Redeem both have their mind set on determination. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Literature Review Anti Forensics - 1204 Words

Literature Review Anti-forensics The purpose of anti-forensics is to intentionally make digital investigations and the examination of digital media more difficult through several means including data forgery, data hiding or data deletion. The techniques differ in what they do but the purpose is to make sure data is unrecoverable. (Lucia, 2013) Forensic tools There are many tools used to try and find data that has been removed from a disk but none of these tools are able to recover data from devices that have been sanitized. The reason for this is that the data contained in the file is overwritten thus making it unrecoverable. Tools such as encase (proprietary) and diskdigger(free) are able to recover files that have been deleted using the normal delete function with encase building up a complete image of the disk and contains much more information that can be used to see how many times anti-forensic tools were run (if installed) because of prefetch files. Diskdigger on the other hand just recovers files that have been deleted and allows them to be restored. There are many tools designed to securely erase data from a hard disk or just to remove a file. These tools include ccleaner, HDD erase and many more. These tools allow for either files to be delete individually by overwriting the space they take up or overwriting all the free space o n the drive to remove any traces that files existed on the device. They overwrite the data and contain many different algorithms that offerShow MoreRelatedHow Anti Forensic Tools Work As Well As Looking At The Challenges Forensic Investigators1339 Words   |  6 Pagesthis report is to investigate where and how anti-forensic tools work as well as looking at the challenges forensic investigators are faced when such tools are used. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

IT Management Issues of OZ Supermarket †

Question: Discuss about the IT Management Issues of OZ Supermarket. Answer: The business process of QZ supermarket The numbers of consumers are increasing day by day in the supermarkets and management of huge number of consumers is becoming a difficult job for the companies. In order to reduce the rate of interruption and to eliminate the consumers crowd from the cash payment counter queues, OZ supermarket has started using Pay-wave technology for their supermarket (Vuckovac, et al., 2017). With the help of the Self-Checkout Counter and Pay-wave technology the number of cashier will be reduced and the business efficiency will also be increased. The issues associated to the traditional payment approaches have been almost mitigated after the implementation of the modern pay wave payment technology. The traditional payment process was found to be quite time consuming however this newly developed pay wave payment approach was very much effective as well as efficient from the business owners and consumers perspectives (Thoi, 2016). In traditional days the consumers are forces to wait in the payment queue to pay their payment. The modern self checkout system has the capability to run over more than 4695 operating system. The self-checkout system has improved their system version as per the changing requirement of the consumers. The self checkout 6 system has the capability to speed up the payment process. Even it could optimize the floor spacing by improving the cash management and security system with a real investment protection approach (Shin Lee, 2014). Over the past two to three years the self-checkout system has experienced a huge popularity in the supermarket domain. According to the survey reported by self service world in the year of 2012 it has been found that most of the businesses have shipped their terminals. Even, the system is currently choosing many businesses to integrate the existing businesses (Adams, 2013). However, at the enterprise level the overall system functionality could be centralized properly. The features of pay-wave payment system are as follows: The payment system has unique, modular platform with a separated scanning, bagging as well as payment procedure. The newly developed system has the ability to minimize the effort of the shop keepers through maximizing the checkout throughout (Karavellas, 2013). This innovative solution provides speed up checkout process that optimized the floor spacing and queue size and also improved the cash payment approach with real time investment protection. The OZ supermarket is a newly developed retail chain that has setup a system for deducing the exit queue. At the checkout point of the supermarket, the newly developed and advanced Pay-Wave technology has been installed for increasing the business efficiency (Fu, Li Yuan, 2016). In this system the consumers do not have to stand on the payment queue rather they have an option to swap their card in the self checkout system by their own. However, in order to take entry to the supermarket, the cards are required to be swapped by the consumers. The trolleys used by the consumers have installed the RFID access. If the consumers pick any desired product in their trolley then through the help of RFID technology the price of the product is automatically added to the payment cart (Kiblawi, 2015). The system does not accept any cash and only card payment is acceptable for the Pay-wave technology. The consumers like tourists and children who do not have the card, have a different option for payment in terms of front desk for putting temporary cash deposit. The retail company will provide a stored issues Pay-wave card through which they will also be able to buy their desired products (Liu, Kauffman Ma, 2015). Even the store exit process is also similar for both this kind of consumers of OZ supermarket. Sometimes, it happens that the card holds certain extra balance and as per the self checkout counter payment processing system the balance is adjusted whether in terms of cash or stored in the card as a record. However, if the balan ce is found to be insufficient then, an alarm will automatically rang to let the consumer know that for purchasing the desired product the consumers do not have enough balance in the Pay-wave card (Andrews, 2014). However, different issues are associated to the self checkout counter and Pay-wave technology of OZ supermarket and in order to combat the issues certain recommendations are provided below: Recommendations to develop the existing supermarket Security implementation: Security is referred to as one of the most important factors that are strictly required to be implemented in any business organization. Similarly the OZ supermarket should also maintain the security to protect information from the external attackers. Consumers are the most important asset for any enterprise thus; the confidential information regarding the consumers is required to keep secured from the external attackers (Onal et al., 2015). Even, during the money transaction phase also the transaction channel is needed to be encrypted properly so that without authentication none of the external attackers could come and access the information from the data storage or server. The consumers credit details must keep secured from unwanted access (Shin Lee, 2014). In order to increase the security of the data storage, proper encryption technology is needed to be implemented by the system developer so that only the authorized users get the opportunity to access dat a from the server. Reduce the rate of reader collision error: Besides the transaction channel and data server OZ supermarket should implement proper security in the RFID trolley and product RFID tags also. With the help of data encryption technology the server will be secured from the external attackers (Vuckovac et al., 2017). Not only this but also, the reader collision error could be completely minimized from the system after the implementation of protection algorithm. Reducing the RFID tag collision issue: Every RFID tag requires having unique identity, however if similar identities are given to different tags then, collision might occur. In order to mitigate this particular issue, the content of the RFID tag is needed to be scanned properly. Though, it is quite difficult to remove RFID tags. Unique serial number protection: Unique serial numbers are required to be adopted for different RFID tags. Additional option for improving the system of OZ supermarket For developing the existing business process of OZ supermarket it is necessary to implement certain additional creative strategies and technologies. The additional options those are needed to improve the existing system are as follows: Identification of customer segmentation: Besides the consideration of business strategies marketing and management are the other approaches those are also required to be considered by the management authority of the OZ supermarket (Jothibasu Boopathy, 02017). Though the supermarket has huge number of consumers throughout but still in order to gain more number of consumers they should focus on their market strategies also. For the OZ supermarket the DAMIC business methodology is suggested to adopt for running the business process. With the help of suitable market segmentation the consumers will be able to access the list of products very easily and then according to their desire they can get products from the supermarket. It could be explained in such a way like the consumers who are willing to buy food product can visit the food zone on the other hand the consumers who are willing to buy fashion elements could visit to the garment zone (Mathen, 2014). It means that before the implem entation of OZ supermarket business it is necessary to develop certain advanced technical approaches those are helpful to meet the consumers requirement. Customer segmentation should be one of the most initial phases that must be considered for developing Assessment of internal and external strategic planning: In order to improve the exiting business process of O supermarket it is necessary to consider the requirement of both of the internal and external consumers. The top level management authority is responsible to develop the set of strategic goal. The internal environment of the enterprises holds different controllable variables in terms of workforce development strategies, management structure, development of layout for different business operational processes etc (Onal et al., 2015). On the other hand the external environment of the business organizations holds different controllable variables those generally originate from the external environment. These are the legal environment, requirement of the consumer, the reaction or feedback of the consumers etc (Shin Lee, 2014). In order to craft the innovative business strategies for leveraging the internal strength of the business for taking competitive advantages from the marketpl ace, incorporation of comprehensive market plans are very much helpful. The main goal of strategic business plan is to focus on the internal and external business operations. In order to increase the quality of the products, productivity, business operation, efficiency as well, it is very much necessary for the business organizations to use the strategic plan (Andrews, 2014). Strategic planning helps to minimize the overall productivity cost and increases the operational efficiency, consumers loyalty and employees satisfaction at the same time. It has been highlighted that the strategic goals those centered in the performance of the company focuses externally (Shin Lee, 2014). The external objectives of a company include market share growth, market leadership, product innovation, development of productivity etc. Another aspect on which the companies are required to focus on includes analysis of internal strength and weakness. The internal and external goal of the companies could be accomplishes properly after the analysis of the internal strength and weakness of the company, For OZ supermarket the management authority is required to focus on these aspects only (Thoi, 2016). Even the competitive market analysis is another important thing that must be done for the company. For spotting competitive advantages, product review and clear impediments should also be considered. Performance monitoring and measurement planning: Besides these the performance of the company in terms of services and productivity helps it to gain competitive advantages from the marketplace. With proper monitoring and performance measurement plans the management authority of the business organization will be able to gain higher profit (Jothibasu Boopathy, 2017). Though, these are helpful components for developing the business operation but over this some suggestions are also provides to OZ supermarket for improving the existing the function and operation. Suggestion to improve the business process of OZ supermarket In order to gain effective commercial business profit, certain suggestions are needed to be incorporated to the existing business process of OZ supermarket and those are as follows: Feedback from the consumers: OZ supermarket uses a completely new and advanced payment process through Self Checkout Counter and Pay-wave technology. This particular approach is less time consuming and the customers of the supermarket need not to wait in the queue for payment due to the presence of this technology (Rossetti Pham, 2015). Thus, it is very much necessary to know whether the process is satisfactory to the consumers or not. If the customers provide positive feedback then, the company needs not to change any components. However, if they provide negative feedback then they should change as per the requirement. Review of the product quality: Review from the consumers regarding the products will help the business organization to gain effective revenue from the competitive market. If the product quality is acceptable by the consumers then, the positive review generated from the consumers end will help them to gain measurable revenue from the competitive market (Andrews, 2014). Not only this but also based on the reviews the decision makers of the company will make effective decision for the OZ supermarket. However, it is not necessary that the feedback will only generate from the consumers end but also it can be generated from the employees end also. Review from the customers with RFID security: Consumers are referred to as one of the most important asset for any business organization, thus the revenue generated from the consumers are very much important to gain measureable revenue from the competitive marketplace (Thoi, 2016). However, negative reviews are much helpful over positive review because, considering the negative reviews the system developers will be able to make the necessary changes on the system to satisfy the consumers. In addition to general review the OZ supermarket is required to incorporate the online review session (Leong et al., 2013). In order to gain high numbers of consumers from the competitive market, online positive review are also very much helpful. Again proper security aspects of RFID technology are needed to be adopted. References Adams, C. (2013). Have money, will travel: A brief survey of the mobile payments landscape.School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Tech. Rep. Andrews, C. K. (2014). The End of the (Checkout) Line? Automation, Self-Service, and Low-Wage Jobs in the Supermarket Industry Boyinbode, O., Akinyede, O. (2015). A RFID based Inventory Control System for Nigerian Supermarkets.International Journal of Computer Applications,116(7). Fu, B., Li, B., Yuan, R. (2016, January). Introduction to the RFID Technology in the Application of the Smart Supermarket. InMATEC Web of Conferences(Vol. 40). EDP Sciences. Jothibasu, M., Boopathy, S. (2017). A Fast Cloud Based Pervasive Method of Cart Billing System for Supermarket Using Real Time Technology.International Journal,8(3). Karavellas, T. (2013).Towards a Universal Mobile Payments System(Master's thesis). Kiblawi, T. (2015, September). Disruptive Innovations in Cloud Computing and Their Impact on Business and Technology. InReliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (ICRITO)(Trends and Future Directions), 2015 4th International Conference on(pp. 1-4). IEEE. Leong, L. Y., Hew, T. S., Tan, G. W. H., Ooi, K. B. (2013). Predicting the determinants of the NFC-enabled mobile credit card acceptance: A neural networks approach.Expert Systems with Applications,40(14), 5604-5620. Liu, J., Kauffman, R. J., Ma, D. (2015). Competition, cooperation, and regulation: Understanding the evolution of the mobile payments technology ecosystem.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,14(5), 372-391. Mathen, N. (2014).The Potential of Mobile Coupons: Current Status and Future Promises(No. WP2014-07-03). Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, Research and Publication Department. Onal, B., Ko, H. S., Lee, H. F. (2015, September). RFID Feasibility Study for Check-Out Stations at Supermarkets. InConference on Engineering And Technology Management GCETM-2015(p. 25). Rossetti, M. D., Pham, A. T. (2015, December). Simulation modeling of customer checkout configurations. InProceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference(pp. 1151-1162). IEEE Press. Shin, S., Lee, W. J. (2014). The effects of technology readiness and technology acceptance on NFC mobile payment services in Korea.Journal of Applied Business Research,30(6), 1615. Thoi, M. (2016).Exploring merchants adoption of mobile payments A qualitative study on Swedish merchants perspectives(Master's thesis). Vuckovac, D., Fritzen, P., Fuchs, K. L., Ilic, A. (2017). From Shopping Aids to Fully Autonomous Mobile Self-checkouts-A Field Study in Retail. Williamson, C. (2016). Electronic self check-in for patients: the costs and consequences.Br J Gen Pract,66(644), 145-145.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Curleys wife is the only woman on the ranch Essay Example For Students

Curleys wife is the only woman on the ranch Essay Curleys wife is the only woman on the ranch. She is married to Curley who is the Boss son. She is always dressed up. She is first described as a girl with full rouged lips, red nails and her hair rolled. She looks out of place in a society like this. Everyone else is hard working, so they are all wearing tattered clothes. We first encounter Curleys wife, the afternoon George and Lennie arrived at the Ranch. She came into the bunkhouse where George and Lennie were. and started to ask where Curley was. She then stood at the door tossing her hair and she put her hands behind her back and kept leaning forwards. This is not the first time we hear about her though is when George and Lennie are talking to Candy when they first arrive at the ranch. This is where we learn that she is married to Curley. Candy thinks that she is a Tart. The other characters describe Curleys wife as a tart, rattrap and Jailbait. Slim doesnt say anything about her; he is the only one who doesnt. He is superior to the others; he is respected and will never say anything about anyone unless it is to their face. All the men on the ranch think this of her because its the only way she knows how to communicate with men. I know this because in Steinbecks letter he states Shes a nice girl not a floozy It also says that if a man were to love her she would be a kind and loving wife. Steinbeck describes her physically by saying that she has fully rouged lips and red nails. Because she puts her hands behind her hips and leans forwards the men think that she wants something other than just a person who she can confide in. She needs this because she is incredibly lonely. There were a lot of lonely people at this time in America, as it was the great depression. After the Wall Street crash many people lost their jobs, so they travelled around on their own looking for work. Families were split apart and many people were very lonely. The loneliest people were always the ones that were different in some way or another. The significance of Curleys wife being in Crooks room with Candy and Lennie is because they are all outcasts. Crooks is an outcast because he is black, he has his own room, which is separate from everyone elses. Candy is an outcast because he is old and only has one arm. Lennie is an outcast because he is intellectually challenged. Curleys wife is an outcast because she is the only woman on the ranch. She can also use this as her power, she says to Crooks I could get you hung just like that. This shows that she has a bossy side to her. She was talking about if she was to cry rape everyone would believe her and they would probably kill Crooks. She reacts to Crooks the way she does because she wants to use the little power she has. She is also frustrated that she has been left at home whilst everyone else had gone into town. During this Crooks sits completely still, there is no movement, not even an expression on his face, he just stares straight ahead of him. When she was in the barn talking to Lennie she had a different tone. It is more kind and flirting way of talking. We discover that she also has a dream à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" she wants to be in the movies she tells Lennie that a man said she was going to be in the movies, he was going to send her a letter; she never got it. This proves that she is very naÃÆ' ¯ve. Being naÃÆ' ¯ve is the main reason why she married Curley. .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c , .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c .postImageUrl , .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c , .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c:hover , .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c:visited , .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c:active { border:0!important; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c:active , .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7f85f74a4bc0832b129b42246868b34c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Anna Karenina Part 2 Ch. 3 EssayWe also learn in the barn that she is very lonely; she also dislikes Curley; she says I dont like Curley, he is not a nice person. The perception of her character changed because you can now understand that she talks to everyone because she is lonely not because she is flirting. Steinbecks description of her dead body makes you feel sorry for her because He emphasises that she has no name and that she is now lying there, trouble free. Because she is just silent all the men wish they hadnt been so nasty to her during her short and miserable life. Steinbeck condones Curleys wife in the novel, he mainly does this in his letter. It says that she is a nice girl, not a floozy this means that she does not flirt with everyone, she only does it because it is the only way she knows how to communicate with men. She would always be faithful to Curley and this is the one thing that everybody, including Curley got wrong about her. Steinbeck alters our opinion about her from bad to good in his letter. This proves that Steinbeck condones Curleys wife in the novel Of Mice and Men.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Seven Deadly Sins Review Essay Example

The Seven Deadly Sins Review Paper Essay on The Seven Deadly Sins To begin, I want to say a few words about the structure of the novel: it is composed of multiple, seemingly unrelated to each other stories, but the author argues that it is one and indivisible novel. A novel about the love of the real and the illusory YM Decrypting the initials of the author does not offer, including the Reader to the game, because he is a master nonlinear prose. It is assumed that we will turn to the Internet and one of the sites pocherpnom information that Milorad Pavic Jasmina Mihajlovic so call each other (she did Moscow, he did YA.M.) Who are they? Real-life people? Or maybe just a computer game characters, which creates YM And maybe all this can only dream of M? Or he saw it in the mirror, which are not reflected dreams? The world of fragmentary novel consists of dreams, illusions, and reflections. The reader can clearly imagine these dreams, more reminiscent of a picture, which the author has decided to tell us and to convey the events of this artwork is not with paint, and it is through words. Therefore, we can conclude that in the first fragment sleep plays a role of a material object, which actually goes beyond the stereotype is no such thing as a dream. We will write a custom essay sample on The Seven Deadly Sins Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Seven Deadly Sins Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Seven Deadly Sins Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this novel Pavic compares even such intangible things as thought, with objects that any person can feel, feel, count. Human thought as the room. This comparison extends beyond the usual perception of readers, especially when the author equates sleep to the nocturnal wanderings of our minds for many rooms, that is, according to our thoughts, which remain locked up until sleep would not visit us. He talks about such things, which many seemed clear and is not negotiable, but Pavic turns many concepts. If you talk briefly about the plot of the novel, in her speech about how the hero, an architect, a designer, in not furnishes a house close to him a woman. We can say that the dream is the frame of the whole work. Sleep, according to Pavic, in every human life is very important. A persons thoughts are interconnected with dreams, is a unified whole, only in a dream come to our innermost thoughts, which could not come into our head in reality due to its insolvency and madness. and so the dream! They all gathered back the thoughts that flashed through your mind awake and rushed to escape, like a flock of covetous forty or fish. And now wander along the banks of new ideas, lazy, like buffalo herd In short, all the seven deadly sins are swarming in peoples heads and waiting in the wings  » This work tells about a dream catcher, the main place of residence which are the dreams of other people. The concept of the dream catcher is interesting because it is still a dream considered something intimate and personal, a secret that was discovered only sleeping, but here the idea may be that sleep can intrude outsiders who will have access to all your innermost thoughts and dreams, so here it is again spins the traditional concepts. at the bottom of every dream is God  ». In the novel, we meet the great sinners and artists Pushkin heroes, architects describe real people, buildings, objects. And it always turns out that the author is just playing with us. After all, even the ending of the novel to be thinking the self: And then I, the author of these lines wrote that the soul of the last stupid wiser than  » Then invent itself .

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Animal farm and the russian revolution essays

Animal farm and the russian revolution essays Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution George Orwells novel, Animal Farm, is a great example of fable and political satire. The novel was written to criticize dictatorial government mainly Stalins corrupt rule in Russia. In the firs chapter Orwell gives his reasons for writing the story and what he hoped it would accomplish it also gives reference to the farm and how it related to the conflicts of the Russian revolution. The characters settings and the plot were written to describe the social disturbance during that period of time and also to prove that the good nature of true communism can be turned into something atrocious by an idea as simple as greed. This essay will cover the comparisons between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution. It will also explain why this novel is a satire and allegory to the Revolution that took place in Russia so long ago. Firs and foremost manor farm itself represented Russia with it poor conditions and irresponsible leaders. Mr. Jones plays one of those leaders, Nicholas the second. Jones beat his animals, would forget to feed them, and treats them badly. His actions are portrayals of Karl Marx. Marx had a dream of a better Russia and created the doctrine of communism to aid in distribution of wealth, and to bring the people to a place where they would all be equal, but what he didnt realize was that under the wrong rule the good intentions of communism would become corrupt. Surely if communism and animalism were carried out by the right sorts of people and animals with good and true intentions, their communities would have prospered instead of falling and ultimately being destroyed. He died before getting to see the rise of his creation just as Old Major did. The rise and fall of Lenin by Stalin is portrayed in napoleons actions toward Snowball. When though Lenin had some good intentions towards the people oh Europe he was still slightly corrupt and susceptible to b ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Women and Real Men Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Women and Real Men - Essay Example Other similarities or differences are also sought for and highlighted in the upcoming passages. The author of "Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt†, Jean Kilbourne, writes the whole article in a very concerned but detached manner. She seems to be having a helicopter view of the whole advertising industry and how it promotes violence against women. "Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt† begins on a slightly theatrical note when writer talks about advertising being more about ‘violence than violins’ and ‘power than passion’. This is not carried forward in rest of the writing which is much more academic relying on studies and statistical evidences. â€Å"From Fly Girls to Bitches and Hos" is written by Joan Morgan and it differs from "Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt† on various levels. First of all Joan writes in a very engaging and personal manner. She seems to be dealing the problem of her society while being inside it throughout the narration. The words used in â€Å"From Fly Girls to Bitches and Hos" are at times very informal. There is frequent usage of colloquial such as ‘Gangsta’, ‘Sista’,‘Nigga’ and ‘Bitches’. While Jean uses statistical evidence to prove her arguments, Joan has provided more of personal stories and anecdotes than statistics. "Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt"  describes women as the victims of advertising. ... It seems as if all these words have been picked up from book on criminology. On the other hand, â€Å"From Fly Girls to Bitches and Hos" holds women partially responsible for the violent lyrics in the hip-pop against women. Joan writes that girls should have integrity and self-esteem and not run after ‘material comforts’. She asks them to love black men for ‘what they are’ and not ‘what they want them to be’. There has to be acknowledgement of the pain of black men if their frustration against their women has to be stopped. While Jean writes that advertisements have sexualized women, Joan says that women have sexualized and objectified themselves. There is a point on which both Jean and Joan agree. And that is the attitude of women towards other women. She cites the example of a criminal case where a woman accused a man of raping her. But her Victoria Secret’s panties were used against her as an indication of her immorality. The jury com prising of predominantly female members gave decision against her. Jean writes that this showed ‘women are cruel judge of other women’s behavior’. Same sentiments are expressed by Joan when she writes that girls always indulge in ‘bitching’ each other. She pleads to her ‘sistas’ to have self esteem and integrity. Black women need to do introspection and try to listen to their partners. Both "Two Ways a Woman Can Get Hurt† and â€Å"From Fly Girls to Bitches and Hos" deal with topic of young men in a strangely similar manner. Jean writes that advertisement is targeted towards making young men violent and insensitive. The men who are caring and committed are portrayed as fools. She writes ‘It is married man in the cartoon and ads who are jerks. â€Å"From Fly Girls to Bitches and Hos" tells

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Housing and regeneration in developing countries (housing study) Essay

Housing and regeneration in developing countries (housing study) - Essay Example Housing is a main concern especially to human beings. Regeneration is the process by which the housing conditions are improved through economical, social and environmental measures. According to Ademiluyi (2010), houses are permanent structures that are built in order to cater for human needs especially habitation. House regeneration leads to the achievement of sustainable development. The reason as to why housing regeneration is done is to improve the concerned area which is to be regenerated, and thus bring in a positive impact to the people who live in the place. Regeneration has positive as well as negative impacts to the areas that are being regenerated and the people who live in the areas as well. The developmental interventions on housing require the participation of partners who are the actors involved in the development of these houses. Therefore, there is need for housing development in these areas due to increased population of people who are moving. There is therefore need for involving people who can participate in the development of these houses. The participants in the process of development are controlled by the initiatives that affect the decisions made to ensure that development is enhanced. The participants involve themselves in the local, national and international decision making which makes it possible for the housing development. The participants involved in the housing development first have to receive information about what is to be done and also what has already been done. This means that the research has to be done in order to get information about the approaches needed to be taken into account in order to find out how the housing can be developed. Once the participants have been informed, they are consulted in order to give opinions that are needed to help in the development, and this will also i nclude the aspects of defining the

Monday, November 18, 2019

RED BULL COLA CASE STUDY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

RED BULL COLA CASE STUDY - Essay Example The fast changing socio-economic paradigms and advancing technology has tremendously changed the dynamics of market strategies. In the contemporary times, the customer has become much more informed and technology has provided him with more options within the similar product lines, but produced by different companies. UK market is one such market where the companies face cut throat competition. In such a highly competitive environment, Red Bull needs to base the market segmentation according to psycho-demographic pattern so as to maximise the initial impact and create a creditable position within the UK market. Psycho-demographic is chosen as the focus area primarily because of the fact that the competition within the industry demands a creation of a niche market for Red Bull cola to become a success. Red Bull cola faces stiff competition from the already established brands like Pepsi and Cola Cola. Psychographic or lifestyle pattern categorises the market according to which people exhibit a well defined way of living, maintaining a set of standard and displaying a typical purchasing behaviour. Since Red Bull has already a dominant market position in the energy drinks, launching of its Cola version would become easier within this particular market segment as it has many differentiating elements in its cola product which can be easily promoted within this group. Provide better tool to develop strategies and make significant inroad into the UK market for non alcoholic Red Bull Cola. Of the various demographic characteristics, the most useful would be the income and age-wise identification of the group that could be targeted through intense media blitz and other market techniques to attract them and make them a committed user and purchaser. The mixed segmentation is hugely popular in the contemporary times and gives a big

Friday, November 15, 2019

Marbury V Madison Case and Its Implications

Marbury V Madison Case and Its Implications The Head of State John Adams, who was a Federalist, lost his bid to Thomas Jefferson, a Republican, after re-elected in 1800. However, Adams and the Federalists still had power for a few months before Jefferson took office. During these months, Adam influenced Congress to pass the Judiciary Act of 1801. The Act enabled Adams to appoint some new federal judges in hope that the Judiciary would be filled with people opposed to the Republican policies and Adams appointed 39 judges. The acting Secretary of State John Marshall had to deliver the official documents for their appointments. John Marshall would later on become the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the originator of the Judicial review. However, he failed to deliver the documents to three judges before Adam’s term ended, and in particular, the appointment of William Marbury (Infoplease, 2005). Unfortunately, Jefferson learned of Adam’s schemes and the failure to deliver the remaining documents after assuming office. Jefferson then instructed James Madison, his secretary of state, to decline the appointments. William Marbury went before the Supreme Court to issue an order compelling Madison to authorize his appointment. According to the Judiciary Act of 1789, the Supreme Court had jurisdiction to issue such orders. The major issues underlining this case was whether or not Marbury had the right to the commission and whether the Supreme Court had the authority to review the constitutionality of Acts of Congress. Additionally, the case brought light to the question of whether the Congress could broaden the scope of the Supreme Court’s mandate above those specified in the Constitution (This day in history, 2009). The Court unanimously agreed that Marbury had a right to his appointment and that the Judicial Act was unconstitutional. According to Justice Marshall, the Congress had no mandate to give the Supreme Court powers to issue an order granting Marbury his appointment. Justice Marshall argued that if Acts of Congress conflict with the Constitution, the Acts are not binding in a court of law. Also, the judiciary’s responsibility was to uphold the constitution. However, the constitution did not indicate the Supreme Court having such jurisdiction. Consequently, the Court could not compel Madison and Thomas Jefferson to appoint Marbury (Infoplease, 2005). The Court ruling in Marbury v Madison paved the way for a key precedent, the Judicial Review. Justice Marshall interpreted the Constitution to imply the Supreme Court had powers for judicial reviews. The Supreme Court had the powers to review acts of Congress and the President. Also, the Court could overrule a law they thought was unconstitutional. If laws were in conflict with each other, the Court had the mandate to decide their individual operations. The Constitution indicates that the Supreme Court had original jurisdiction in cases relating to ambassadors and public ministers. However, the Court had appellate jurisdiction in all other cases (This day in history, 2009). Consequently, President Jefferson and the Republicans eliminated the newly appointed judges by revoking the Judiciary Act in 1802. Additionally, the Congress Impeached Justice Samuel Chase, a Supreme Court judge, but later on acquitted him (Infoplease, 2005). References Infoplease (2005). Marbury v. Madison case. Retrieved from Migration Information Source. (2013) Immigration in the United States: New Economic, Social, Political Landscapes with Legislative Reform on the Horizon. Retrieved from Burt, L. Batalova, J. ( 2014).Refugees and Asylees in the United States.Retrieved from This Day in History. (2009). Marbury V. Madison Establishes Judicial Review. Retrieved from judicial-review

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Colonialism and Imperialism - A Post-colonial Study of Heart of Darknes

A Post-colonial Study of Heart of Darkness         Ã‚  In this paper, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness will be examined by using a recent movement, Post-colonial Study that mainly focuses on the relationship between the Self and the Other, always intertwined together in considering one’ identity.  Ã‚   The Other is commonly identified with the margin, which has been oppressed or ignored by Eurocentric, male-dominated history.  Ã‚   Conrad is also conscious of the Other's interrelated status with the Self, but his main concern is the Self, not the Other, even though he deals with the natives.  Ã‚   As Edward W. Said indicates in his Orientalism, the Orient (or the Other) has helped to define Europe (or the West) as its contrasting image, idea, personality, experience.1  Ã‚   For Conrad, the Other becomes meaningful only so far as it gives some insight or information for the construction of Eurocentric self-image.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Heart of Darkness, the story is set in the Congo, the literal battleground for colonial exploitation.  Ã‚   Marlow perceives natives along stereotyped Western lines, even though he also manifests a sense of sympathy towards suffering natives.  Ã‚   The natives cannot be understood or seen represented from their point of view.  Ã‚   The colonial aspects in Heart of Darkness begin to be explored through Marlow’ perspective of history.  Ã‚   Seeing history as cyclic, Marlow juxtaposes the Roman invasion with that of the present British imperial project.  Ã‚   According to Marlow, when Romans had first come to Britain, they might have felt the same way the British did in Africa: "the Romans first came here . . . darkness was here yesterday . . . savages, precious little to eat fit for a civilized man, nothing but Thames water to drink " (9-10). ... ...lism, Racism, or Impressionism?† Criticism (Fall, 1985) Burden, Robert. Heart of Darkness. London: Macmillan, 1991. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. ed. Robert Kimbrough. 3rd. edition. New York: Norton, 1988. Lionnet, Francoise. Autobiographical Voices. Cornell UP, 1988. Said, Edward W. Orientalism. New York: Pantheon Books, 1978. ------------ The World, the Text, and the Critic. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1983 ------------ Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1966) Shaffer, Brian. â€Å". Rebabarizing Civilization: Conrad’s African Fiction and Spencerian Sociology,† PMLA 108 (1993): 45-58 Thomas, Brook. "Preserving and Keeping Order by Killing Time in Heart of Darkness," in Heart of Darkness, ed. Ross Murfin, (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989)

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Developments in the Last Century Essay

In detail this paper will show how the media played an important role in the culture today. It will answer the questions What were the major developments in the evolution of mass media in the last century? It will also ask How did each development influence American culture? And What is ment by the term media convergence and how it affected everyday life? How we conceive mass media comes in different ways such as: television (24 -hour news channels,) (hoarders to fashion models,) (music videos, nature documentaries, and reality shows). With videos on demand provided by the local cable company plus online streaming or down loading. Media literacy on one hand, is the growth of the internet as the primary information source exposes the public to increased levels of text, thereby increasing the level of literacy. What were the major developments in the evolution of mass media in the last century? The three major developments in the last century were (print, electrical, and digital). In terms of print media books are durable and contain a large amount of information. Books are expensive to produce. As for newspapers they are cheaper and can be made quickly. In the 1800 hundreds the newspaper faced a new threat called penny press. These papers were cheaper than the regular newspapers. The penny press also printed more of murder and scandal rather than of the political news of the day. Another form of mass media is the radio. Radio was not that expensive less than television and more available. Radio gave the people the opportunity to listen to a live event at the same time. Specifically the radio was made for advertising. Radio accessed a large audience. Radio also made listening in the privacy of one’s own home to be pleasure seeking and curious. With radio one can listen to a story and imagine in one’s own head how the story plays out, thus creating imagination. Television is another form of mass media. The television was invented in 1923. Broadcast television was the most dominant form of mass media. By 1946 more than 17,000 televisions existed. There were at the time only three major networks, they controlled more than 90% of the news programs. By the 1960s television televised the conflict of the Vietnam war. The telegraph is part of the mass media seen also. Any part of information received via radio, television, newspaper, and Internet have been considered to be mass media. In today’s society more people tend to receive their news and other information via the Internet. How did each development influence American culture? Each development influenced the American culture in many ways. The way we receive the news is very different today. Newspapers came a long way from just black and white to color. Before anything what we had was newspaper that is how one would get the facts regarding what is going on in the world. With newspaper they do not get to see the vast aura of colors as television. The newspaper made people want to read what was written. For the television world was more in tuned to today’s society. Television has the visual aspect and as for the news per say the electronic media has come full circle from radio to television. For print people did not have to rely on teachers, preachers, or story tellers. They were allowed to read what was published and interpret it how they seen it. The telegraph led to radio, fax machine, and phones. Instant communication is how print and electrical mass media influenced America. They are able to put more information out there along with visual aspects . What is ment by the term media convergence and how it affected everyday life? Media convergence is the merging of all the technology together. A merger of mass media. It affects us in many ways such as fax machines and e-mail. We as humans no longer have to hand write a letter any more when we have e-mail. We went from writing letters by hand to typing them on a type writer to writing an e-mail on computers to texting on phones. With the simple click of a button the letter is sent through millions of power lines to get to the person it is intended for. Media convergence is a link between old and new technologies. They come together to share the same tasks and resources. There are five kinds of convergences they are Economic, Organic, Cultural, Global, and Technological. a) Economic involves such things as internet, phone, and cable regarding the provider one chose for these services. b) Organic occurs when one can stream video listen to music and text a friend all at the same time. c) Cultural occurs when a person turns a book into a movie, film, and even toys such as Spiderman. d) Global occurs when the process of geographically distance cultures influencing one another despite the distance that physically separates them. e) Technological occurs when the merging of technologies come together, such as the ability to watch television shows online on sites like crackle. Conclusion In conclusion the media has changed in many ways, such as how one receives the news and communicates with one another. We have gone from the telegraph to radio, television, phones, and computers regarding how we receive information. It is completely up to the individual how one use the various forms of media technologies out there today. However, a few things have stayed the same major media companies own popular media content sites such as Hulu, and YouTube and control access to a great deal of online information. Perhaps the standards for literacy will shift to an emphasis on simplicity and directness.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Anders Celsius - Centigrade Scale and Thermometer

Anders Celsius - Centigrade Scale and Thermometer In 1742, Swedish astronomer, Anders Celsius invented the Celsius temperature scale, which was named after the inventor. Celsius Temperature Scale The Celsius temperature scale is also referred to as the centigrade scale. Centigrade means consisting of or divided into 100 degrees. The Celsius scale, invented by Swedish Astronomer Anders Celsius (1701-1744), has 100 degrees between the freezing point (0 C) and boiling point (100 C) of pure water at sea level air pressure. The term Celsius was adopted in 1948 by an international conference on weights and measures. Anders Celsius Anders Celsius was born in Uppsala, Sweden in 1701, where he succeeded his father as professor of astronomy in 1730. It was there that he built Swedens first observatory in 1741, the Uppsala Observatory, where he was appointed the director. He devised the centigrade scale or Celsius scale of temperature in 1742. He was also noted for his promotion of the Gregorian calendar, and his observations of the aurora borealis. In 1733, his collection of 316 observations of the aurora borealis was published and in 1737 he took part in the French expedition sent to measure one degree of the meridian in the polar regions. In 1741, he directed the building of Swedens first observatory. One of the major questions of that time was the shape of the Earth. Isaac Newton had proposed that the Earth was not completely spherical, but rather flattened at the poles. Cartographic measuring in France suggested that it was the other way around - the Earth was elongated at the poles. In 1735, one expedition sailed to Ecuador in South America, and another expedition traveled to Northern Sweden. Celsius was the only professional astronomer on that expedition. Their measurements seemed to indicate that the Earth actually was flattened at the poles. Anders Celsius was not only an inventor and astronomer but also a physicist. He and an assistant discovered that the Aurora Borealis had an influence on compass needles. However, the thing that made him famous is his temperature scale, which he based on the boiling and melting points of water. This scale, an inverted form of Celsius original design, was adopted as the standard and is used in almost all scientific work. Anders Celsius died in 1744, at the age of 42. He had started many other research projects but finished few of them. Among his papers was a draft of a science fiction novel, situated partly on the star Sirius.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How Simple Planning Will Keep Your Novel On Track - Freewrite Store

How Simple Planning Will Keep Your Novel On Track - Freewrite Store Today’s guest post is by Zara Altair  (@ZaraAltair), writer of The Argolicus Mysteries set in ancient Italy.  Zara also coaches budding writers to create winning stories as  The Story Bodyguard  from her home near Portland, Oregon. Planning Your Novel Works When most writers get an idea for a new story they want to dive in and get going. If you skip planning, your novel is likely to have bumps, detours, and dead ends. You are likely to spend hours of wasted time that you couldsave by planning first. Planning can help you avoid time consuming mistakes, rewrites, characters taking over and derailing the flow, and get you to the end quickly.    Novelists can streamline story writing with creative planning. First brainstorm scenes, then organize them into a story structure. The Story Brainstorm Planning a story can be creative. You don’t have to construct a rigid outline like the one’s you turned in for school. Correct planning is just a creative as the actual writing but in a different way. You brainstorm as many ideas as possible - scenes, bits of dialogue, action sequences, theMcGuffin, what trips up your protagonist. Any and every idea about the story. The ideasdon’t need to be in logical or in sequential order. At this point you are collecting all the bits and pieces you want in your story. Some writers use 3x 5† index cards.Some use a spreadsheet. Some use writing software  like Scrivener. Or, just list them out in a text document. The key is to brainstorm the story and scene ideas. ​Writers want a story unlike any other. Brainstorming your scenes is a creative way to capture the essence of your story. The ideas go straight from your head into story scenes. Keep adding scenes until you have all the scenes of your story. You can move them around as you add scenes, but don't focus on this too much. The concept is to write as many scenes as you can that will be part of your story. The key to this process is that it is a brainstorming exercise. No judgment. If a scene comes to mind, add it to the list. You'll organize them later. Organize the Bits into a Story Structure Once you’ve collected your story bits and pieces, you can rearrange them into a story sequence. This is where index cards or software with moveable components can be invaluable. You can move your ideas around until you feel you have created your story order. It doesn't matter if you use The Hero's Journey, Save The Cat beats, or any story structure device. Different structures work best for different writers. Get your basic plot points. Here is novelistKristen Kieffer's basic list. Exposition. The necessary character, setting, and background details readers need to understand the context of your novel. (Note: exposition is *not* the beginning of a novel, though most often exposition is revealed during the first few chapters in order to set the scene). Call-To-Action.The moment when the hero is called to leave the ordinary world to take part in an otherworldly adventure. Usually found in fantasy and science fiction novels. Rising Action. The series of events leading up to the climax of the story. Crises. Peaks in tension or conflict that occur throughout the rising action of the novel. Climax. The most intense crisis found in the narrative though notnecessarilythe final crisis. Falling Action. The series of events after the climax of the story where questions are answered and any remaining crises occur and are resolved. Resolution.The final moments of a novel where any remaining threads of tension are resolved and a new reality is established. Now you can place your scenes in story order, according to your chosen plot structure. Use a cork board, software, or a document to order your scenes. Some writers enjoy the tactile sensation ofphysicallymoving cards while others like the convenience of software or even text documents eliminating the need to transfer handwritten notes into typed text. It doesn’t matter which tools you use. It’s the process that will help you with your novel. Story Structure: The Container for Your Scenes At this stage two things can happen: You find you have scenes missing to complete the full story structure Scenes on your list don't seem to fit in the story structure ​Now it's time to refine your structure. If important scenes are missing you can add them to complete the full cycle of your plot. This part of the process helps you make sure the entire storyline is complete. Take a look at those scenes that don't fit in the story structure. If you don't find a place for the scenes to move the story forward, it's time to let them go. You can save them for another story if they are too precious to throw away. Rewards of Brainstorming and Structure With the scenes in line with the structure, it's time to write. The immense benefit of brainstorming the scenes is that you already know what happens. You don't have to stall wondering what comes next. You've already envisioned the scene. And, you have already envisioned the story fromstart tofinish. Once you have completed the brainstorm and structure, you’ll find may benefits to taking the time to plan your novel. Write Faster As you write, you won’t wonder what comes next. You’ll be using your creativity and writing skills to write the best scene to move the story forward. Your scenes will flow because you already know not only the basic elements of the scene but also where the scene fits in the story. You can incorporate foreshadowing without using a heavy hand. Save Time Because you are writing faster and know where you are going with the story, your novel will flow without wondering what comes next or how to follow-up on a scene later on. Eliminate Rewrites If you have done your work thinking through the story elements and the structure, you won’t toss scenes or entire chapters because the story shifted while you were writing. The time you spend at thebeginning creating and organizing your scenes, will keep you on track with your story. No Writing Yourself Into a Corner Without a plan, many beginning writers find that characters take over and lead the story off in an unforeseen direction. Then, off track theyare unable to take back control and find themselves in a â€Å"story corner.† The brainstorm and organize process shuts the door on story wandering. You Stay in the Story Flow Because you know the overall story, youare always headed toward the story end as you write. You have already tested each scene for how it fits in the overall story plan. Your only job when you are writing is to make the scene come alive. Scenes as Building Blocks Every scene is a building block for your novel. The brainstorm and structure process eliminates unnecessary scenes before youspend time writing them. You have already calculated which scenes fit inside the story structure and how they build the story within the sequence. Planning is the Key to Story Ease Simple planning eliminates many novel writing frustrations. Novel writers who use this simple technique find they are closer to their story the moment theybegin writing. They discovered plot holes and completed the story structure before writing. They save time by eliminating unnecessary scenes, conquer character derailment, and keep themselves from discouraging rewrites before they write. This simple planning process builds your story creation creativity. Every story has been told. Planning helps you create the story that is truly yours. Writers who use simple planning find their stories flow as they write scenes. They get to a satisfying conclusion and they finish the novel.    How do you plan your writing? Let us know in the comments!    Zara Altair  (@ZaraAltair) writes The Argolicus Mysteries set in ancient Italy featuring patrician Argolicus and his lifelong tutor, Nikolaos: The Used Virgin, The Peach Widow, and The Roman Heir. She writes for the web as a semantic copywriter and is working on a book for writers: SEO for Authors.  Zara also coaches budding writers to create winning stories as The Story Bodyguard from her home near Portland, Oregon.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

World War I Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

World War I - Essay Example The first allies included the United Kingdom, France and Russia; the central powers included Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary. During World War I, more than 70 million military officers took part in the war with about 60 million being of European origin. By the end of the conflict, nearly 9 million military officers had been killed. There were various causes of the war, which included both short term and long term. The imperialistic polices imposed by great powers such as German, Russian empire, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires caused conflicts between different powers plunging them into wars. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand in 1914 was also a possible cause of the World War I. After these triggers, different alliances that had been organized before were revived. Austro-Hungarian started the conflict by invading Serbia. This invasion triggered Germany into invading Belgium. Russia and France invaded Germany to counter its advancement into Belgium. The war spread across Eur ope and colonies of the different powers and the world war was on. Causes of World War I At the beginning of the nineteenth century, different powers across Europe started organizing themselves into alliances. These alliances resulted in the formation of complex military and political networks that included European powers. The Holly Alliance was the first alliance to be established and it included Persia, Russia, and Austria. In 1879, the Dual Alliance that included the German empire and Austria-hungry was established to suppress the earlier alliance between Russia and Persia. The formation of these alliances posed a major threat the Great Britain, which entered into an alliance with France and Russia. Although the formation of the dual alliance was intended to counter the Russian advancement into western territories s, the United Kingdom considered it as a major threat to its existence. The dual alliance was formed with the intention of countering Russian influence over the Ottoma n Empire and the Balkan. Each of these alliances was established under treaties that were meant protect the interests of countries in a particular league. The treaties were also aimed at preventing the entry of allied powers. The major treaties signed immediately before World War I included the Reinsurance treaty between the Germans and the Russians, the Franc-Russian alliance and Anglo-Russian alliance (Cross 121). Each of these treaties had the purpose of securing the interests of the concerned parties against the influence or invasion by allied powers. It is also evident that most of these treaties targeted Russia. Treaties were formed either to counter Russian advancement or to incorporate Russia in to a particular alliance. Russia was considered as a major power in Europe and, therefore most countries needed to protect their interest against Russia through formation of alliances. The World War I took place after European industrial and economic revolutions. These advancements m ay have triggered rivalry among different European powers. In the beginning of the nineteenth century, industrial advancement started to concentrate on the production of military equipment. Technology was applied to produce of warships and machine guns that have never been in any battlefield. Germany and Britain were the leading European countries in the production of military equipment. Industrial advancement in Germany and Britain made the two countries to enter into an arm race which later spread to the rest of Europe. By the end of 1910, most European countries had increased their military spending by over 50% of their GDP (Halpern 192). This allocation was used to produce military equipment, military training, and paying allowances to

Friday, November 1, 2019

BMW Consumer Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

BMW Consumer Research - Essay Example Pg 1 - You say that your quotation in para 1 comes from BMW - where We need the publication details here. Has this first sentence come from the BMW web site If so, this should be referenced and critiqued - company web sites are not objective and valid sources of data this comes from as stated in the reference page (BMW 2006). You are not 'supposed' to type a .com in a paragraph citation. BMW is listed in the reference page as That is why we have citation and then you look at the reference page. That is where this information is at. The scope of this research is to define factors that influence BMW's brand and image with an inference to create a program that increases customer value, satisfaction and loyalty towards the BMW brand and image. This will be done by examining the external environment in relation to Kotler and Keller's Marketing Management (2006), where: The societal marketing concept holds that the organization's task is to determine the needs, wants and interests of target markets and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumer's and the society's well-being. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a met... This can be achieved by understanding the factors that influence consumer behavior and by building a trustful and committed reputation for BMW that is in alignment with consumer needs (Little and Marandi 2003). To create a program that will effectively increase consumer satisfaction, the research proposed is secondary literary research and the applications to BMW's environment. This will allow BMW to define potential consumer's perceptions and lifestyles and the manner in which these factors are affected by external engagement. This research will deal with the people who purchase from BMW as well as the external factors that effect their purchase behaviors. 1.3 Research Justification While the application of such things as internet and email based surveys are quite wide-spread and appropriate in most areas of marketing research, we can assume that implementing a research program based solely on the application of primary research and conclusions of statistical inferences will not allow for a subjective review and will only be based on the consumers collective responses to a question (Craig and Douglas 2000) This does two things, first it removes the possibility of consumer interpretations towards marketing research and secondly it is only representation of a single sample, in this case BMW's previous research has been gathered around the current customers, but not inherently dependant on cultural factors that engage or disengage a consumer behaviour in relationship to external forces. Pg 3 - how do you know that BMW currently has primary information on consumers Where did you get this from How can you state that BMW is lacking in subjective and theoretical resear ch If this is true, it needs substantiating:

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Corporate governance and the role of executive incentives Essay

Corporate governance and the role of executive incentives - Essay Example The paper seeks to determine the role and effectiveness of executive incentives in corporate governance drive of an organization and draws the conclusions from various research findings to anchor the understanding of the concept. Inclusion of real life cases assists the application of theories in practical sense. Separating management and ownership is one problem that has always posed serious challenges for corporate form of an organization. The fundamental problem of conflict of interests where managers focusing on personal gains overlooking shareholder’s interest gets severe in loosely governed organization. Corporate governance is a tool which aims to align the interest of all parties and stakeholders in the organization and provides a strategic direction to the performance and control functions by ensuring order and decision making process are done effectively. In this regard, areas where most of the conflicts arise within an organization are related to recruitment and compensation of CEOs and top level management. Based on the above conflicts a detailed theory has been developed which is known as Agency-theory (Jensen and Meckling 1976). The theory describes various types of costs which are incurred owing to the different type of conflicts between shareholders, managers and debt owners. Agency cost is defined as the sum of monitoring cost, bonding costs and residual loss. Other two types of costs are agency cost of equity and agency costs of debt where former arise due to conflict of interests between managers and shareholders whereas latter arises due to conflict between shareholders and debt holders. Corporate governance is a system that brings more transparency and control in the organization. The approach involves setting accountabilities and linking management’s compensation with shareholder’s value. There are many mechanisms that can be applied to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Equal Pay and the Glass Ceiling - Key Issues for Women Essay Example for Free

Equal Pay and the Glass Ceiling Key Issues for Women Essay Glass ceiling can be described as an economic term that refers to a scenario where the promotion of a qualified individual to a higher rank within an organization is overlooked so he or she is stuck at lower ranks mainly because of factors driven by discrimination, especially gender and racism (Arnwine, 2010). However, other factors considered as barriers to advancement at work place may include disabilities and aging. A good example are barriers women face when aspiring or attempting to attain higher position which is senior as well as to have higher salary levels in workplaces such as government offices, education, nonprofit organizations and business organizations. Indeed, glass ceiling is a term that was first used to refer to factors that barred women from promotion in the work place in the US yet they possessed the necessary qualifications (Hakim, 2004). Women are vital for contribution of work force around the globe and thus they should be regarded as equally potential like men. Despite their potential, women have been marginalized in various fields and especially in their work place since they are not much considered for advancement in their job groups even if they have the same qualification for promotion as their men counterpart employees. This is critical issue that should be addressed by the human resource management to ensure that job opportunities and promotions are granted on merit but not by any discrimination of whichever form. There is need for human resource management to combat glass ceiling, expand leadership roles of women and also advancement of women in their work places in both domestic and global fronts (International labor Office, 2004). Human resource managers and professionals can have a great impact in an organization because their role in recruitment and promotion of employees (Crampton, Hodge, Mishra, 1997). In other words, they ensure the well-being of all employees, especially with effect to job satisfaction to so that employees carry out their roles effectively. In that effect they should be concerned and have knowledge on how the phenomenon of glass ceiling may be impacting the organization reputation either indirectly or directly. They should also have to understand how this phenomenon is impacting the customer loyalty, growth potential, skill set diversity, and even the organization’s bottom line. Often, the chief executive officer or the organization’s president should invite the professionals of human resource in a meeting and discuss on the possible organization’s changes that could be made in order to reduce glass ceiling which has been in existence. This would maximize the organization’s reputation and performance. The human resource managers should also have knowledge of the organization’s employment laws, practices and programs. This is because the law can protect certain groups such as the women viewed as minority in labor markets. These professionals should also have the knowledge on the potential impacts that barriers caused by glass ceiling may have on the performance of the concerned employee. In some countries such as the United States, work place discrimination, especially sexual discrimination is illegal as stipulated in the Civil Rights Act of 1964, even though it exists in various forms. For instance, women may be discriminated in forms such as low salary increments and generally lower pay as compared to their male counterparts (International labor Office, 2004). This discrimination may also be manifested in the practices of hiring, promotional opportunities, development and training activities are disproportionate in favor of the men. Human resource professionals have the potential of impacting barriers of glass-ceiling either negatively or positively due to the changes in workplace which they implement or facilitate such as employee recruitment, development and trainings, transfers, succession planning, promotions and terminations. In many organizations, affirmative action plans (AAF) should be conducted to utilize analysis that compares number of minorities and women who are available in labor markets with the ones employed in their organization (Hakim, 2004). Another requirement of compliance is the review of corporate management, which is sometimes known as glass-ceiling audits and is usually conducted when the organization is conducting the audit of affirmative action plan and focus primarily on the process of decision making of CEO and senior executives. For non-compliance of affirmative action plans for a company, it can be fined severely and also companies who do not comply with employment laws may also have unfavorable publicity. The glass ceiling evidence can be described as invisible, overt or covert (Arnwine, 2010). Glass ceiling has spread its roots to the gender based barriers which run gamut from the stereotypes of gender to leadership styles that are preferred up to the ranks of high management. The glass ceiling effect sign is the gender-biased compensation where by anecdotal reports and studies have shown big discrepancies on salary favoring men even for similar job levels in the same organizations. Discrepancies favoring men exists in many organizations which are of different sizes. In these organizations women who do not have opportunities of gaining other competences are not likely to get any chance of adding their skills unlike their counterpart men working at the same organization (Crampton, Hodge, Mishra, 1997). Women mostly do not get chances of training in various management fields in most organization and this is a vice that need to be sort out since the world is changing and women are breaking the glass ceiling and are now in senior position in many large organizations including high ranking government offices. Another indicator which shows glass ceiling in an organization is when advancement of women is hampered by corporate cultures that are well-ingrained. Corporate practices and policies for example may maintain status quo in a manner that men are kept in the corporate power positions (International labor Office, 2004). Mostly the board directors in many organizations comprise men as the majority and they may also perpetuate the men status quo by choosing chief executive officers who are like them so as to plant the vice of glass ceiling in the organization. Other barriers that can be said to be gender based are communication and behavioral styles that vastly differ from norms of company and the lack of women opportunity of gaining line experience and also the general management. Human resource professionals should iron out the norms and policies, which can be a barrier to advancement of any group of individuals in the organization and ensure that employees are all motivated without discrimination. Human resource professionals should understand that challenges of work and personal life balance can have impact on women advancement and failure of dealing with them can result to the phenomenon of glass ceiling. They should have the assumption that women are care givers of the family and especially for the elderly and children and thus they may not meet all their work responsibilities due to family responsibilities. Furthermore, there are organizations which cannot give some programs that will involve outside commitment to women especially for the positions which are at senior levels. Therefore a lot of women are disadvantaged to take aspiration steps of advancing in the organization. In addition, promotion opportunities are often given in favor of men mainly due to their developmental prospects which include networks and mentoring (Hakim, 2004). Women are limited to access of the informal networks that men use in developing relationship networks in the organization or company. These networks tend to eliminate women because of nature of their work or sometimes the promotion or advancement may be perceived as male activities and thus this contribute to work place gender barriers. The human resource professionals should ensure that all organization activities are conducted in the organization but should not be discussed outside especially on the matter of promotion or job advancement in the organization. They should also see the need of balancing the personnel who are in the management and leadership line to include women so long as they are competent for such posts. Human resource personnel should avoid glass ceiling by avoiding perception of seeing women as being incompetent in various fields like management and stop stereotyping them. They should do away with the barriers that prevent women from advancing in the organization such as societal barriers and governmental barriers. In recruiting new employees in the organization they should not consider the potential candidates with any discrimination under whatever grounds. The recruitment personnel should not stereotype people and consider other people such as men being more suitable thus leaving women out and may be they could be more competent than the men selected. The government officials who are responsible for recruiting new employees should not be biased on a certain group of people since this is one thing that contributes to glass ceiling placing women on the losing end. Another point of view is that the human resource personnel should wipe out business and structural barriers such as recruitment and out reach practices which can make the minorities and women not to be considered in recruitments. They should also be conscious about the corporate climate which isolate and alienate women from receiving promotions and job advancement in the organization they are working in so as to break the glass ceiling. Another area of adjustment is the training where many organization personnel responsible for training employees have pipeline barriers making women in the organization to receive poor training, which make them unable to have carrier growth in their organization (Crampton, Hodge, Mishra, 1997). They should also eliminate inadequate mentoring in the organization to make women able to be considered for such promotional posts in the organization rather than mentoring men only. Rating and testing systems should not be biased in the organization but should be fair and job advancement should be granted on the merit of performance and competence so as to avoid imbalance of the people in leadership positions in the organization. Internal communication networks in the organization should not be limited to some people but the networks should be among all the employees working together because this is one barrier which makes women to lag behind at the times of job advancements and promotions. To reduce or eliminate glass ceiling in the organization, women employees should not be limited when it comes to job rotation and assignments because limitation of such nature may lead to executive suite. The institutions should not be too much rigid to deny women employees the balance between work and family. With no access of training, developmental assignment, mentoring and other activities of job enhancement, too many women who are qualified are cut short before they reach their aspirations. Corporate leaders should realize that there is need of input and talent of minorities and women at the senior levels in their organization to meet the need of the changing environment in the market (International labor Office, 2004). The demographic and competition internationally is changing and requires all types of gender so as to improve the today’s global world economy. Breaking glass ceiling should be addressed as economic imperative and is the bottom line critical issue in every business internationally and also a pocketbook issue to the working women together with their families. The chief executive officers should focus on job diversity so as to influence the organization culture and create atmosphere which utilizes fully capabilities and talents of the diverse workforce. Setting timetables and goals for diversity of the work force is a business extension practice that can enable it to weigh their growth and progress. Line manager should be held responsible to break the glass ceiling and thus they should have systems of rewarding and compensating in accordance to the diversity objectives accomplishment. Organizations should have affirmative actions to ensure that all employees have access to opportunities equally and they should be based on merit and ability. Opportunities of advancement should be promoted to people who can effectively contribute to the performance of the organization. This means that the rich talent should be used so as to improve the economic stability and also to break the glass ceiling. Another way of breaking glass ceiling is for the organizations to make expansion of their traditional recruitment networks to use a method that seek candidates with experience and backgrounds of non-customary. All in all, the human resource professionals should be concerned on how they can break glass ceiling in their organizations because the world has changed and also glass ceiling is one of the issue that is much of concern in the today life. There is need of selecting and promoting employees in an organization on the grounds of merit so as to improve performance of the organization and have competent employees who know how to tackle changes as they come. References Arnwine, B. (2010). Breaking the Glass Ceiling. Retrieved July 19, 2010, from http://www. newdeal20. org/2010/03/29/breaking-the-glass-ceiling-9240/ Crampton, S. , Hodge, J. , Mishra, J. (1997). The Equal Pay Act: The first 30 Years. Public Personnel Management, 26, 12-21. Hakim, C. (2004). Key Issues in Women’s Work: Female Diversity and the Polarization of Women’s. Oregon: Routledge Cavendish. International labor Office. (2004). Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling: Women in Management. Retrieved July 19, 2010, from http://www. ilo. org/dyn/gender/docs/RES/292/f267981337

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Child Abuse and Neglect :: Violence Against Children

Child abuse is defined by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services as being, "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or "An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm."(Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect 2015). Child abuse is a growing social problem which results in the death of about two thousand children annually. In just one day five children will die from abuse or neglect. In fact every thirteen seconds another child is abused in the United States. The fact that so many children are being abused and may be killed by this abuse is significant, but it is also important to realize that there are detrimental effects that the abuse may have on a child ten or twelve years later. The abuse that a child sustains may affect people in very different ways, but child abuse has never and will never have a positive effect on a child lat er in life. A child that goes untreated for having been abused has an increased likelihood of arrest for a violent crime than that of the general population by thirty eight percent. Children that have been abused have been found to have a greater chance of delinquency and a life of crime. Victims of child abuse have been proven to be more at-risk than people of the general population for negative personal and social events later in life. Since there are so many negative effects that child abuse has on people later in life, there have to be ways for people to speak about their problems and have other people's advice who have experienced similar abuse in their life. One way in which people may feel comfortable speaking of their past abuse is on-line on the World Wide Web. They can write about their experiences and get feedback from people with similar problems. People tell their personal stories of the abuse that they sustained as children and the negative effects that it has had on their life as adults. Many of the stories speak of ways in which some sort of child abuse, such as sexual abuse, has affected their lives as adults in their relationships with people of the opposite sex. Anyone can get on-line and tell their life story of abuse whether it be sexual, physical, or mental.