Thursday, December 12, 2019

IT Management Issues of OZ Supermarket †

Question: Discuss about the IT Management Issues of OZ Supermarket. Answer: The business process of QZ supermarket The numbers of consumers are increasing day by day in the supermarkets and management of huge number of consumers is becoming a difficult job for the companies. In order to reduce the rate of interruption and to eliminate the consumers crowd from the cash payment counter queues, OZ supermarket has started using Pay-wave technology for their supermarket (Vuckovac, et al., 2017). With the help of the Self-Checkout Counter and Pay-wave technology the number of cashier will be reduced and the business efficiency will also be increased. The issues associated to the traditional payment approaches have been almost mitigated after the implementation of the modern pay wave payment technology. The traditional payment process was found to be quite time consuming however this newly developed pay wave payment approach was very much effective as well as efficient from the business owners and consumers perspectives (Thoi, 2016). In traditional days the consumers are forces to wait in the payment queue to pay their payment. The modern self checkout system has the capability to run over more than 4695 operating system. The self-checkout system has improved their system version as per the changing requirement of the consumers. The self checkout 6 system has the capability to speed up the payment process. Even it could optimize the floor spacing by improving the cash management and security system with a real investment protection approach (Shin Lee, 2014). Over the past two to three years the self-checkout system has experienced a huge popularity in the supermarket domain. According to the survey reported by self service world in the year of 2012 it has been found that most of the businesses have shipped their terminals. Even, the system is currently choosing many businesses to integrate the existing businesses (Adams, 2013). However, at the enterprise level the overall system functionality could be centralized properly. The features of pay-wave payment system are as follows: The payment system has unique, modular platform with a separated scanning, bagging as well as payment procedure. The newly developed system has the ability to minimize the effort of the shop keepers through maximizing the checkout throughout (Karavellas, 2013). This innovative solution provides speed up checkout process that optimized the floor spacing and queue size and also improved the cash payment approach with real time investment protection. The OZ supermarket is a newly developed retail chain that has setup a system for deducing the exit queue. At the checkout point of the supermarket, the newly developed and advanced Pay-Wave technology has been installed for increasing the business efficiency (Fu, Li Yuan, 2016). In this system the consumers do not have to stand on the payment queue rather they have an option to swap their card in the self checkout system by their own. However, in order to take entry to the supermarket, the cards are required to be swapped by the consumers. The trolleys used by the consumers have installed the RFID access. If the consumers pick any desired product in their trolley then through the help of RFID technology the price of the product is automatically added to the payment cart (Kiblawi, 2015). The system does not accept any cash and only card payment is acceptable for the Pay-wave technology. The consumers like tourists and children who do not have the card, have a different option for payment in terms of front desk for putting temporary cash deposit. The retail company will provide a stored issues Pay-wave card through which they will also be able to buy their desired products (Liu, Kauffman Ma, 2015). Even the store exit process is also similar for both this kind of consumers of OZ supermarket. Sometimes, it happens that the card holds certain extra balance and as per the self checkout counter payment processing system the balance is adjusted whether in terms of cash or stored in the card as a record. However, if the balan ce is found to be insufficient then, an alarm will automatically rang to let the consumer know that for purchasing the desired product the consumers do not have enough balance in the Pay-wave card (Andrews, 2014). However, different issues are associated to the self checkout counter and Pay-wave technology of OZ supermarket and in order to combat the issues certain recommendations are provided below: Recommendations to develop the existing supermarket Security implementation: Security is referred to as one of the most important factors that are strictly required to be implemented in any business organization. Similarly the OZ supermarket should also maintain the security to protect information from the external attackers. Consumers are the most important asset for any enterprise thus; the confidential information regarding the consumers is required to keep secured from the external attackers (Onal et al., 2015). Even, during the money transaction phase also the transaction channel is needed to be encrypted properly so that without authentication none of the external attackers could come and access the information from the data storage or server. The consumers credit details must keep secured from unwanted access (Shin Lee, 2014). In order to increase the security of the data storage, proper encryption technology is needed to be implemented by the system developer so that only the authorized users get the opportunity to access dat a from the server. Reduce the rate of reader collision error: Besides the transaction channel and data server OZ supermarket should implement proper security in the RFID trolley and product RFID tags also. With the help of data encryption technology the server will be secured from the external attackers (Vuckovac et al., 2017). Not only this but also, the reader collision error could be completely minimized from the system after the implementation of protection algorithm. Reducing the RFID tag collision issue: Every RFID tag requires having unique identity, however if similar identities are given to different tags then, collision might occur. In order to mitigate this particular issue, the content of the RFID tag is needed to be scanned properly. Though, it is quite difficult to remove RFID tags. Unique serial number protection: Unique serial numbers are required to be adopted for different RFID tags. Additional option for improving the system of OZ supermarket For developing the existing business process of OZ supermarket it is necessary to implement certain additional creative strategies and technologies. The additional options those are needed to improve the existing system are as follows: Identification of customer segmentation: Besides the consideration of business strategies marketing and management are the other approaches those are also required to be considered by the management authority of the OZ supermarket (Jothibasu Boopathy, 02017). Though the supermarket has huge number of consumers throughout but still in order to gain more number of consumers they should focus on their market strategies also. For the OZ supermarket the DAMIC business methodology is suggested to adopt for running the business process. With the help of suitable market segmentation the consumers will be able to access the list of products very easily and then according to their desire they can get products from the supermarket. It could be explained in such a way like the consumers who are willing to buy food product can visit the food zone on the other hand the consumers who are willing to buy fashion elements could visit to the garment zone (Mathen, 2014). It means that before the implem entation of OZ supermarket business it is necessary to develop certain advanced technical approaches those are helpful to meet the consumers requirement. Customer segmentation should be one of the most initial phases that must be considered for developing Assessment of internal and external strategic planning: In order to improve the exiting business process of O supermarket it is necessary to consider the requirement of both of the internal and external consumers. The top level management authority is responsible to develop the set of strategic goal. The internal environment of the enterprises holds different controllable variables in terms of workforce development strategies, management structure, development of layout for different business operational processes etc (Onal et al., 2015). On the other hand the external environment of the business organizations holds different controllable variables those generally originate from the external environment. These are the legal environment, requirement of the consumer, the reaction or feedback of the consumers etc (Shin Lee, 2014). In order to craft the innovative business strategies for leveraging the internal strength of the business for taking competitive advantages from the marketpl ace, incorporation of comprehensive market plans are very much helpful. The main goal of strategic business plan is to focus on the internal and external business operations. In order to increase the quality of the products, productivity, business operation, efficiency as well, it is very much necessary for the business organizations to use the strategic plan (Andrews, 2014). Strategic planning helps to minimize the overall productivity cost and increases the operational efficiency, consumers loyalty and employees satisfaction at the same time. It has been highlighted that the strategic goals those centered in the performance of the company focuses externally (Shin Lee, 2014). The external objectives of a company include market share growth, market leadership, product innovation, development of productivity etc. Another aspect on which the companies are required to focus on includes analysis of internal strength and weakness. The internal and external goal of the companies could be accomplishes properly after the analysis of the internal strength and weakness of the company, For OZ supermarket the management authority is required to focus on these aspects only (Thoi, 2016). Even the competitive market analysis is another important thing that must be done for the company. For spotting competitive advantages, product review and clear impediments should also be considered. Performance monitoring and measurement planning: Besides these the performance of the company in terms of services and productivity helps it to gain competitive advantages from the marketplace. With proper monitoring and performance measurement plans the management authority of the business organization will be able to gain higher profit (Jothibasu Boopathy, 2017). Though, these are helpful components for developing the business operation but over this some suggestions are also provides to OZ supermarket for improving the existing the function and operation. Suggestion to improve the business process of OZ supermarket In order to gain effective commercial business profit, certain suggestions are needed to be incorporated to the existing business process of OZ supermarket and those are as follows: Feedback from the consumers: OZ supermarket uses a completely new and advanced payment process through Self Checkout Counter and Pay-wave technology. This particular approach is less time consuming and the customers of the supermarket need not to wait in the queue for payment due to the presence of this technology (Rossetti Pham, 2015). Thus, it is very much necessary to know whether the process is satisfactory to the consumers or not. If the customers provide positive feedback then, the company needs not to change any components. However, if they provide negative feedback then they should change as per the requirement. Review of the product quality: Review from the consumers regarding the products will help the business organization to gain effective revenue from the competitive market. If the product quality is acceptable by the consumers then, the positive review generated from the consumers end will help them to gain measurable revenue from the competitive market (Andrews, 2014). Not only this but also based on the reviews the decision makers of the company will make effective decision for the OZ supermarket. However, it is not necessary that the feedback will only generate from the consumers end but also it can be generated from the employees end also. Review from the customers with RFID security: Consumers are referred to as one of the most important asset for any business organization, thus the revenue generated from the consumers are very much important to gain measureable revenue from the competitive marketplace (Thoi, 2016). However, negative reviews are much helpful over positive review because, considering the negative reviews the system developers will be able to make the necessary changes on the system to satisfy the consumers. In addition to general review the OZ supermarket is required to incorporate the online review session (Leong et al., 2013). In order to gain high numbers of consumers from the competitive market, online positive review are also very much helpful. Again proper security aspects of RFID technology are needed to be adopted. References Adams, C. (2013). 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