Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Development strategy to increase overall capacity at Mumbai Dissertation

Development strategy to increase overall capacity at Mumbai International Airport - Dissertation Example Moreover, it will also displace 65000 people. Even the land is not in the government’s possession as yet. Better sites are available yet the government insists on the same place. This research has been conducted to study the strategies adopted to satisfy the demand for the expansion of the airport and whether these strategies are viable in the future also or not. The methodology is the questionnaire and interview methods. Findings reveal that the government may have vested political reasons to insist on the same site. The environment is being damaged, it has safety issues and the size of the airport is not sufficient for the next 25 years. Moreover, the land doesn’t have room for further expansion. Suggestions like taking the matter to the supreme court, looking for new sites, reassessing the current project plan, media involvement and making efficient use of the current airport have been given along with other suggestions to resolve this politically afflicted issue. TA BLE OF CONTENTS Chapter1-Introduction 1 1.1 Chapter introduction 1 1.2 Background 1 1.3 Problem definition 1 1.4 Aims of the Research 2 1.5 Motivation of Author 2 1.6 Hypotheses 3 1.7 Methodology and sources of the data in the research 3 1.8 Layout of the research report 3 Chapter 2-LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Introductions 5 2.2 Pestle Analysis 6 2.2.1 Political 6 2.2.2 Economic factor 8 2.2.3 Social Factor 9 2.2.4 Technological Factor 9 2.2.5 Legal Factor 10 2.2.6 Ecological Factor 11 2.3 Swot Analysis 12 2.3.1 strengths 12 2.3.2 Weakness 13 traffic routes 13 increase in fares 14 flight landing delays 14 Destruction of the environment 15 political agendas 15 2.3.3 Opportunities 15 better utilization of the current Mumbai airport 15 Pouring of FDI 16 Development of the tourism industry 16 2.3.4 Threats 17 No focus on detail 17 airport site 17 Future expansion 18 Environmental threats 18 Chap ter 3-Methodology 19 3.1 Introduction 19 3.2 Researcher’s role 19 3.3 Method 20 3.3.1 Subjects for the research 20 3.3.2 Questionnaire research method 21 3.3.3 Questionnaire type 23 3.3.4 Interview method 24 3.4 Collecting and arranging the data 26 3.5 Trustworthiness of the method 27 3.5.1 Reliability 27 3.5.2 Validity 27 Ethical validity 28 Generalized validity 28 Chapter 4-Findings and result analysis 29 4.1 Introduction 29 4.2 Hypothesis 1 29 4.3 Hypothesis 2 32 4.4 Hypothesis 3 33 4.5 Hypothesis 4 36 Chapter 5-CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 39 5.1 Conclusion 39 5.2 Recommendations 41 5.2.1 Reassess the project plan 41 5.2.3 Improving the overall commuting system 42 5.2.4 Relocate the airport 42 5.2.5 Environmentalists 42 5.3 Limitations 42 6. Appendix 44 7. References 46 Chapter1-Introduction 1.1 Chapter introduction In chapter one, the introduction to the research paper is given. Along with the introduction, a brief background is also given with the prob lem definition, hypotheses, aims and objectives, methodology and the layout of the entire paper. 1.2 Background The research is on the strategies that have been applied for the expansion of the Mumbai airport. According to Jog (2011), the current airport is reaching exhaustion, as it is not able to accommodate more than 30 million passengers annually. Thus strategies have been formulated to either use this airport more efficiently

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